Sunday, 22 December 2024، 06:19 AM

۲۰ مطلب با موضوع «Understanding the concept of Willayat» ثبت شده است

📣Clarifications of Supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, discourses:

Understanding the concept of Willayat

 📣Clarifications of Supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei,  discourses: 


A brief introduction about the project of “clarifications of Supreme leader discourses”

This project has been designed in two parts of Study and Implementation 

✅Part A: Study

This part has been planned for following items to be studied in an intermittent course

1.  About 40 publications prepared by Supreme leader or related to his excellency

2.  Supreme leader public Speeches 

3.  Supreme leader Messages 

4.  Supreme leader Letters

✅Part B: Implementation

This part would be in two phases:

I-  Propagation and explanation of Supreme leader thoughts, apprehensions to the populations via different effective ways

II-  Claiming for implementation of these concerns in public, by individuals and organizational teams based on the priorities and the needs  of any country or region

✅ How to determine the needments and priorities for each country or region?

based on cultural circumstances and public atmosphere of any country and by following individuals and groups:

I-  by popular associations composed by cultural activitists and knowledgeable persons in precedence issues in any country

II-  by trained and educated people in supreme leader thoughts and apprehensions


Willayat🌹(section 3🌹)

Understanding the concept of Willayat



In the name of Allah 


#Willayat(The  lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad): We present you it's summary: 👇👇👇

(Part  3)

❓❓Why do they have to respect such peculiarities? The answer is to survive and not be affected by the prevailing circumstances. This is called wilayat in the holy Quran. Thus the Prophet instilled all these characteristics in his followers, and established a unique brotherhood among them so that later they could bring about the Islamic umma and form an Islamic society.

These early believers and followers of the holy Prophet were advised not to mix with the opponent of monotheism, not to join the Jewish groups, not to asso¬ciate with the Christian camp and not to be friends with the polytheists; all these measures were necessary for the true believers to stay clear of any ideological pollution by the enemies of Islam and Prophethood. And let me here emphasize that even after the establishment of the Islamic society and a great umma, the need for wilayat is still necessary and here we’ll have to expand and broaden our discussion to see why wilayat is needed. At this juncture, we may also pay par¬ticular attention to the sort of wilayat believed and expressed by the Shi’a branch of Islam. We have already noticed that wilayat at the time of the holy Prophet, when Muslims were surrounded by an ignorant, backward and pagan society, was absolutely required for the later success of the Prophet’s divine mission.

(To  be continued)


Willayat(Section 1)

Understanding the concept of Willayat

#Understanding_the_concept_of_Velayat_Faqih (the Authority of the Jurist)

In the name of Allah

🌹Understanding the concept of Velayat_Faqih
(the Authority of the Jurist)


(From the lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad)
(Section 1)

❓What do God's prophets come for?  They come to help humanity towards spiritual perfection, and to familiarize people with moral laws sanctioned by God.

They  create  a new human-making factory.

The prophets of God struggle for decades to create their desired human beings, they are not satisfied by converting a few people, their aim is the whold mankind, they want that their message will gratually and automatically reshape the world community.

❓ Now, which is this new human-making factory, so to speak?  All the people say that prophets come to create moral men worthy of the name human and they all believe that God's prophets educate people to travel on the path of God. And their factory means the creation of an Islamic system and community.

❓ What is the nature of this Islamic community?  An Islamic community is a society or civilization governed by God Almighty, the injunction and laws of God are carried out in this community and all appointments are made according to the will of God.

A shinning example of such a society is Medina at the time of the holy prophet, he acted as God's deputy in executing laws, in providing regulations for all afairs and guiding people to the right path.  (To  be continued)



Understanding the concept of Willayat



✅In the name of Allah

❓A question: What could we do so that Imam Mahdi(aj) Arrives as soon as possible, insha'Allah???

Imam Mahdi(aj): 

لَوْ أَنَّ أَشْياعَنا وَفَّقَهُمُ اللّهُ لِطاعَتِهِ عَلَى اجْتِماع مِنَ الْقُلُوبِ فِى الْوَفاءِ بِالْعَهْدِ عَلَيْهِمْ لَما تَأَخَّرَ عَنْهُمُ الُْيمْنُ بِلِقائِنا وَ لَتَعَجَّلَتْ لَهُمُ السَّعادَةُ بِمُشاهَدَتِنا:

If our Shias,  whom Allah  make them succesful in their prayers and obeying, were united in their Ahd( promise)  and respected their vows, the prosperity of our visit wouldn't  delay for them and could visit us sooner. (Beharolanvar; b 53, p, 176, p,8)

⭕️The addressee of this  divine  hadith are   Shias.

⭕️The meaning of our shias  is  the followers of Prophet (PBUH) and Imams (as)

⭕️The purpose of it is to visit Imam Mahdi(aj) and to  hasten his Arrival

⭕️The way to reach that holy aim is through fulfilling our Ahd(promise)

⭕️The way to reach that is to gather and to be  united in hearts

✅Now what is this vow which Shias  has promised to the  Prophet and Imams  and in this hadith has  emphasised on hearts to be united over being faithful  and it has mentioned that  if this promise was taken heartly and with unity, Imam of age (aj) did not disappear at all and the prosperity of his visit was not delayed...???


📣 Vellayat promise in Ghadire Khom's day

According to this tradition, our Imam of age(aj)  "whom our souls  to be sacrificed  for him", afew points are mentioned: 

1️⃣_ To be faithful towards Imamat's vow: be faithful towards the promise we gave to our Prophet(PBUH) and our Imams(as).


2️⃣_To have sympathy, with all Shias in  praying  for the Arrival of  Imam of age's (aj) so deeply by their hearts  and all their requests  and concentration should be on it , All hearts' attention should be towards this fact to  pray for his Arrival, insha'Allah.

3️⃣_ United in sympathy, all should be united in this common goal and be faithful to reach it .

✅Necessity to be faithful towards this vow is Velayat's recognition.

So, Oh Imam of age's (aj) Safirs( embassadors) : Let's  prepare and give the priority for his Arrival, let's try  our best so that  this expensive Ahd(promise)  to be done,  to be faithful toward  this request, and our hearts get  united. insha'Allah🌹

🌹Oh God hasten his arrival🌹

🌹اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج🌹


Velayat Fagih: Message 6

Understanding the concept of Willayat

#Understanding_the_concept_of_Velayat_Faqih (the Authority of the Jurist)

?In the name of Allah

 Understanding the concept of Velayat Faqih
(the Authority of the Jurist)


? The questions about Velayat Faqih:

?What kind of  qualifications  should  a Jurisprudent have in order to be the  leader  of  an Islamic society,?

In previous parts, we mentioned 2 conditions:
?*Absolute divine law and ?**Absolute Justice:

And the third condition is:
?***Leader's intelligence and management's power.

It means the  true political and social insight, prudence, courage, management and enough power for leadership.
So in addition with absolute prudence and being knowledgable, he should be qualified to order in different theology's chapters and also be justice and pious for Islamic nation's leadership.

The main conditions of a jurisprudent  are being talented and able to lead a country and control the high level qualified officials. It means:

??First, he should have true and right insight to political and social affairs inside and outside of  the country and recognizes enemy's policy.
??Second: He should have management's art because it needs theory and enthusiasm to control and he should have the art of wisdom.

??So we can't say  that every just  jurisprudent  is qualified to lead a society but in addition of having scientific conditions, he should be talented and be able to control Islamic nations. (  Javadi Amoli Abdollah, jurisprudence and justice, p 139)

??Also to prove succession for prudences in many cases, shows that there is no difference between leader's various  authorities and posts in this way that all these posts are  jurisprudent's  obligations   in the occultation  era and infact the  preservation  of government and making discipline in nations is the most important issue and it makes qualified jurisprudents to  take part in this serious  duty.
(Owner of Javaher sheykh Mohamad Hasan Najafi)


Velayat Faqih: Message 5

Understanding the concept of Willayat


#Understanding_the_concept_of_Velayat_Faqih (the Authority of the Jurist)


✅In the name of Allah


Understanding the concept of Velayat Faqih

(the Authority of the Jurist)




❌ The questions about Velayat Faqih:


❓What kind of  qualifications  should  a Jurisprudent have in order to be the  leader  of  an Islamic society,?


✅**Absolute divine law:

A  jurisprudent  who governs over an Islamic system in  occultation  era and is Quran's  executive, preserver and announcer, should be aware of all its aspects. He should have a complete recognition of Islamic laws..

If some Islamic problems are not solved for him yet and can not have a deep concept of them, he is not  Muslim's  leader. That means he can not order nor can make others  to do them. (Javadi Amoli,  Velayat Fagih,  Velayat of Jurisprudene and  and Justice, p138)


Imam Ali(as)said:


ولا یحمل هذا العلم الا اهل البصر و الصبر و العلم بمواضع الحق

Nation's leadership's flag should be on some one's hand who has insight, enough ability and complete knowledge to the  truth and be able to separate it  from falsehood.

So one who is at the top  of power's pyramid , should have complete knowledge about Islamic laws because he is responsible to   perform divine laws in society.  Since  he might do something or order some laws which are opposed to Islam  if he is without  a complete knowledge of it, . It's obvious, that is a start of an astray way from the main road and an Islamic goal. (Mohamad Taghi Mesbahe Yazdi, B, Islamic government and  Velayet Faghih , p: 152)


✅**Absolute Justice:

A  jurisprudent  with a complete qualifications should have religion's knowledge in addition to do the right things in his life and in the Islamic society, It's necessary  for him, to do  his religious  duties and  prophecy to  the people whatever is about religion and not to hide anything from them.

A  just  jurisprudent   shouldn't do anything upon  his selfishness, shouldn't obey his  worldly desires and not  to do any sin, not to leave any necessities and not to do  falsehood.

Muslim's leader should have high ranking virtue and be free of all  selfish ambitions.


Imam Hussain (as) addresses Kufa's people  and writes about society's leader:

ما الامام الا الحاکم بالکتاب، القائم بالقسط، الذائن بدین الحق، الحابس نفسه، علی ذات الله.

(A leader isn't someone but whose   government  is  based on Quran,  establishes justic, believes   and behaves based  upon the  true  religion and devotes  himself to God's path.

(Islamic government and Velayat Faghih. P: 152_153)


If enough virtue doesn't exist, he might destroy  Islamic  values and Muslim's   interests  for the sake of  power. So an Islamic leader should have high ranking virtue and be free  from  selfishness.

***Next question: what is the third qualification?



Velayat Faqih: Message 4

Understanding the concept of Willayat


#Understanding_the_concept_of_Velayat_Faqih (the Authority of the Jurist)


In the name of Allah


Understanding the concept of Velayat Faqih

(the Authority of the Jurist)





 The questions about Velayat Faqih:


In the disappearance era when there is no access to infallible Imam (our era) what is our task?


Is it ever possible to imagine that Allah would leave alone the Muslims without  any governor and leader?


Imam Khumeini said: " All the reasons for Imamate  that have been brought up after the Messanger's  time are verily true about Velayat Faqih in the absence era."


 *So how should we know that the leadership of Muslims is at the hands of Faqih( the Jurist) and not the others'?


Imam Ali (as) said:  " The most qualified people to be ruler are the ones who are the most religious and the most knowledgeable about Allah's religion."


️* The person who is supposed to be  the leader needs to be aware and resistant, aware of right positions and capable of distinguishing between right and wrong. All these features are not possible unless with the supreme position of jurisprudence.


️ In response to Ishaq-ibn-Yaqhun, Imam Mahdi (a.j) wrote:    " But for the incidents that happen (for Muslims), refer to the narrators of our traditions, (i.e. scholars), because they are my witnesses upon you and I am the witness fo Allah upon them." (Kamal-ud-Di, p. 484)


In the absence era, the fully qualified jurists accurately extract the individual and religious rules, follow them, and also cast to the others. First, they extract the political rules and social issues of Islam from the religious sources, and finally with a complete tact and accuracy apply in the Islamic community. (Velayat Faqih: Velayat, Jurisprudence, and justice, Javadi Amoli pages 167-168)


Imam Sadiq (as) said:  "Any of you who becomes the narrator of our Hadith and follows Halal and Haram rules and is an expert and is acquainted with our rules you should accept him as a judge. Verily, I announced him your ruler. Therefore, whenever he issues a verdict and they didn't accept it, in fact they have ignored Allah's word and have rejected us. And a person who rejects us is actually rejecting Allah and rejecting Allah means polytheism. (vasa'il up shiat, volume 18, page 98)



* The next question is:  What are the qualifications of a jurisprudent who is supposed to be the leader in the Islamic community?



Velayat Faqih : message 3

Understanding the concept of Willayat




#Understanding_the_concept_of_Velayat_Faqih (the Authority of the Jurist)


Understanding the concept of Velayat Faqih

(the Authority of the Jurist)


In the name of Allah




The questions about Velayat Faqih:


Who is supposed to be the leader of  the government?


Because of prophecy verdict and Allah's representativeness, all the honorable prophets enjoyed the right of leadership and some of these who could manage to establish a government did so, such as Saint Suleyman, David, Joseph,... and Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

It has been mentioned in Holy Quran that ""O David, indeed We have made you a successor upon the earth, so judge between the people in truth...”(Sad: 26)


👉"The verse indicates that assigning the successor and determining the governor on the Earth is a divine job." (Ahsanulhadith, volume 217, page9)


The job of Islam’s  messenger is to settle the cultural, political,  economical, and military issues. This is clear from their lifestyle and it is a command of Allah:

“Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth so you may judge between the people by that which Allah has shown you...” (Al-Nisa,.105)


Regarding this verse, Imam Sadiq (as) says:

Allah has raised the prophet to take him to the highest levels of perfection. Then Allah praised him with the most deserving words. Then Allah gave him guardianship of people so that he can lead them toward Allah and have control over the things.


👉Therefore, the desired and ideal government is the one ahead of which there is the holy Prophet and (according to holy narrations) Imams would be after him.


* The next question is: In the unappearance era of Imam Mahdi(aj), when there is no access to innocent Imam, what's our duty?


🌹اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج🌹



Velayat Faqih: Message 2

Understanding the concept of Willayat



#Understanding_the_concept_of_Velayat_Faqih (the Authority of the Jurist)


Understanding the concept of Velayat Faqih

(the Authority of the Jurist)


In the name of Allah

understanding the concept of Velayat Faqih


Because of the necessity of understanding and supporting the "Velayat Fagih" as the main factor of preparing for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi(aj), we allocate some of our messages to it


Message 2:


Regarding this matter, Imam Khomaini says:  "The disciplinary rules of Islam concerning economic, political, juridical, and penal systems are likewise constant and they were not limited to the Prophet's  time; neither are they constrained to the current time. As a result, the necessity of a (legal) government and leadership becomes apparent... otherwise, the mere recommendation of a disciplinary ruling system and then the executive officials' ignorance will end up in a chaos and disorderliness in the system."


*Therefore, any school that is a messenger of a guideline for humans, does certainly have individual and social rules. These rules will be useful and effective if only they put to practice and applying divine rules and laws necessarily require a government which guarantees it. Otherwise, either the religious rules will never be applied, or they will be applied by the general all which in turn will lead to a chaos that is worse than when there is no governing system in the society.


 The next question is:  Who would be the govern man leader of the Truth???



Velayat Faqih; Message 1

Understanding the concept of Willayat


#Understanding_the_concept_of_Velayat_Faqih (the Authority of the Jurist)

nderstanding the concept of Velayat Faqih

(the Authority of the Jurist)


In the name of Allah

Because of the necessity of understanding and supporting the "Velayat Fagih" as the main factor of preparing for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi(aj), we allocate some of our messages to it:



* Velayat Faqih means:

“the authority of the jurist who is knowledgeable, fair, and prudent over  the Islamic community,   (of course) with the purpose of executing the Islamic rules and  actualizing the religious values"


Questions about "Velayat Faqih":

First  question:


What is our need for Velayat Faqih while all the religious rules and obligations have already been stated?

Islam is a comprehensive and eternal religion and it has a constant consideration for all the individual and social aspects for ever.  It has issued a lot of rules for the justice  and in order to actualize these rules and creating a fair community we need to have a government. Also in order to struggle  the tyranny and unfairness we need to have a government.


The holy Quran says,


ألَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ يَزْعُمُونَ أَنَّهُمْ آمَنُوا بِمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ وَمَا أُنزِلَ مِن قَبْلِكَ يُرِيدُونَ أَن يَتَحَاكَمُوا إِلَى الطَّاغُوتِ وَقَدْ أُمِرُوا أَن يَكْفُرُوا بِهِ... (نساء: 60)


Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to Taghut, while they were commanded to reject it...(Au-Nesa: 60)

It means that Allah likes right government and the Muslims must seek it and reject Taghut(the tyranny and unfairness ).

(to be continued)

