Sunday, 23 February 2025، 08:52 AM


Understanding the concept of Willayat



✅In the name of Allah

❓A question: What could we do so that Imam Mahdi(aj) Arrives as soon as possible, insha'Allah???

Imam Mahdi(aj): 

لَوْ أَنَّ أَشْياعَنا وَفَّقَهُمُ اللّهُ لِطاعَتِهِ عَلَى اجْتِماع مِنَ الْقُلُوبِ فِى الْوَفاءِ بِالْعَهْدِ عَلَيْهِمْ لَما تَأَخَّرَ عَنْهُمُ الُْيمْنُ بِلِقائِنا وَ لَتَعَجَّلَتْ لَهُمُ السَّعادَةُ بِمُشاهَدَتِنا:

If our Shias,  whom Allah  make them succesful in their prayers and obeying, were united in their Ahd( promise)  and respected their vows, the prosperity of our visit wouldn't  delay for them and could visit us sooner. (Beharolanvar; b 53, p, 176, p,8)

⭕️The addressee of this  divine  hadith are   Shias.

⭕️The meaning of our shias  is  the followers of Prophet (PBUH) and Imams (as)

⭕️The purpose of it is to visit Imam Mahdi(aj) and to  hasten his Arrival

⭕️The way to reach that holy aim is through fulfilling our Ahd(promise)

⭕️The way to reach that is to gather and to be  united in hearts

✅Now what is this vow which Shias  has promised to the  Prophet and Imams  and in this hadith has  emphasised on hearts to be united over being faithful  and it has mentioned that  if this promise was taken heartly and with unity, Imam of age (aj) did not disappear at all and the prosperity of his visit was not delayed...???


📣 Vellayat promise in Ghadire Khom's day

According to this tradition, our Imam of age(aj)  "whom our souls  to be sacrificed  for him", afew points are mentioned: 

1️⃣_ To be faithful towards Imamat's vow: be faithful towards the promise we gave to our Prophet(PBUH) and our Imams(as).


2️⃣_To have sympathy, with all Shias in  praying  for the Arrival of  Imam of age's (aj) so deeply by their hearts  and all their requests  and concentration should be on it , All hearts' attention should be towards this fact to  pray for his Arrival, insha'Allah.

3️⃣_ United in sympathy, all should be united in this common goal and be faithful to reach it .

✅Necessity to be faithful towards this vow is Velayat's recognition.

So, Oh Imam of age's (aj) Safirs( embassadors) : Let's  prepare and give the priority for his Arrival, let's try  our best so that  this expensive Ahd(promise)  to be done,  to be faithful toward  this request, and our hearts get  united. insha'Allah🌹

🌹Oh God hasten his arrival🌹

🌹اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج🌹


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