Sunday, 2 February 2025، 06:09 AM

International Prepration Of Arbeen Mobaleghin(preachers): Message 1

International Prepration Of Arbeen Mobaleghin

International Prepration Of Arbaeen Mobaleghin(preachers)




Message No: 1


In the name of Allah, the Merciful , the Compassionate

From  now on we all should be determined in supporting  Imam Mahdi (A.J) by:

1. Faith in Allah and good  deeds

2. Preaching Islam and Mahdaviat

⭐️Before everything, we should ask Allah to make us deserved enough to step in the  truth path of sincerity ; Imam Mahdi (A.J) would mediate for us in this regard Inshallah.

"و قل رب ادخلنی مدخل صدق و اخرجنی مخرج صدق و اجعل لی من لدنک سلطانا نصیرا"(اسراء-80)

🌹 And say [praying]: "O, my Creator and Nurturer! Grant me favour that I enter my duty with truth and fulfill it With truth [to attain Allāh's Pleasure] And grant me from Your Own Presence An authority to support me [in my Mission]."
(Asra: 80)
 Since we can only reach the Arrival of Imam Mahdi(AJ) through it, so soon, insallah.

وَ قُلْ جٰاءَ اَلْحَقُّ وَ زَهَقَ اَلْبٰاطِلُ إِنَّ اَلْبٰاطِلَ کٰانَ زَهُوقاً  (اسراء-81)
 And say [proclaiming "Truth succeeded And Falsehood perished  , surely Falsehood is ever bound to vanish."(Asra: 81)
The factors contributing to preachers' success:

1. Preacher's motivation

2. Preacher's qualifications

3. The contents  to be preached

4. The tools of preaching

5. The methods  of preaching

( to be continued...)







✅Part One:

We should connect to Imam Mahdi(AJ). It's the most important in order to reach the true and real faith in Allah, good deeds and to get the opportunity to preach Islam and Mahdaviat, inshallah.(🖕🖕as in Message 1 is mentioned)

We should reach this opportunity with truth🖕(as in Message 1)"و قل رب ادخلنی مدخل صدق و اخرجنی مخرج صدق و اجعل لی من لدنک سلطانا نصیرا"(اسراء-80)

🌹 And say [praying]: "O, my Creator and Nurturer! Grant me favour that I enter my duty with truth and fulfill it With truth [to attain Allāh's Pleasure] And grant me from Your Own Presence An authority to support me [in my Mission]."
(Asra: 80)

If we don't reach it with truth and sincerity , we wouldn't be a good preacher for Islam and Mahdaviat.

⭐️الَّذینَ یُبَلِّغُونَ رِسالاتِ اللَّهِ وَ یَخْشَوْنَهُ وَ لا یَخْشَوْنَ أَحَداً إِلاَّ اللَّهَ وَ کَفى‏ بِاللَّهِ حَسیباً (الأحزاب : 39)
🌹Those who convey the Messages of Allah and fear Him, and fear none save Allah. And Sufficient is Allah as a Reckoner.(Al-Ahzab: 39)

We should fear Allah  and fear none save Him if we want to convey the Messages of Allah. And it could be  the signs of our truth and  sincerity.

And at the end of this versue: Allah had mentioned that He is Sufficient as a Reckoner, so then He would choose us as Mobaleghin(preachers) of Islam and Mahdaviat, inshallah.

(it will be continued)



#International_Prepration_Of_Arbaeen_Mobaleghin : 

✅Part Two:  

✅Of course, we should convey for Allah's Messages (یبلغون رسالات الله) as well as increasing our Marefat and good deeds. We should do them both at the same degree and level. If one increases without the other, that would become an Hejab(obstacle) in our path.

We should specifically have a determined program for that purpose:

(which most of scholars mentioned it:)

1- Less talking

2-Less eating

⭐️"The less we eat and talk, the more we remember Allah"⭐️

It's so important that we eat and talk less  specifically with the aim of reaching  Allah's satisfaction,  in order to get prepared for the Arrival of Imam Mahdi(AJ) and supporting him as well, inshaallah.

We should talk and eat  due to our necessities.

✅Notice:  We should ask its Towfiq(opportunity) from Allah and ask forgiveness for all the times of our lives that we ate and talked alot(more than what was needed).

And remember some of the exact times that we were wrongdoers at those aspects and ask Him forgiveness for those times specifically(at least half an hour today inshaallah.)

It would help us alot to get Allah's permission to return to Him as well, inshaallah.

 (To  be continued)  



✅Lets start this International Basij(prepration) of Arbaeen Mobaleghin(preachers) with these three starting programs:

⭐️-Less talking

⭐️-Less eating

--Doing some sports at least half and hour daily(such as walking)

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