Message No. 40 Ahead To The Arrival
Message No. 40 Ahead To The Arrival:
In the Name of Allah The Merciful The compassionate
How could we realize the presence of Fateme’s Mahdi(AJ)?

How could believe in the unseen as it is mentioned in Baghareh Surreh: versue 3?
Those are the people who have virtue and would be guided through Quran(This is the Book which there is no doubt in it, it's a guidance for those who have virtue (Baghareh: 2)
And there is a versue in Quran: “Which none but the purified may touch it(the Quran)”(Al-Vagheh:79). So, at first, we should sincerely ask Allah for repentance and purity as we can.
How? At the midnight. As Allah has ordered us at the beginning part of Al-Mozamel(المزمل) :In the Name of Allah The Merciful The compassionate
O you who wraps himself [in clothing],(1)
Arise the night, except for a little (2)
Half of it - or subtract from it a little(3)
Or add to it, and recite the Qur'an with measured recitation.(4)
Indeed, We will cast upon you a heavy word.(5)
Then, that heavy word is Allah’s word(کلمه الله) , realizing the presence of Imam Mahdi(AJ), that talking Quran which would be cast upon those who have virtue as it would end to their belief in the unseen(Baghareh:3), and it would prepare the bases for his Arrival, inshallah.
**My Lord: Please, give all of us the opportunity:
1- to realize the presence of Imam Mahdi(AJ) specially at the mid-night,
2- to talk with him for supporting him at the case of his Arrival
3-and to get close to Allah, inshallah.
God, dissolve this grief from this nation by his presence And hurry up for us in his Arrival They look for it in a long time but we look for it in a short time As to Your Mercy, You The Merciful (at the end of Ahd Doa)
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- Tadabor(think deeply) in Doas(ziyara) (۷)
- Messages (۱۷)
- Ahead to the Arrival (۴۲)
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- Tadabor(think deeply) in Quran (۵)
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- International Prepration Of Arbeen Mobaleghin (۱۴)
- Presence of Imam Mahdi AJ (۶)
- Let's organize ourselves for the Arrival (۵)
- Tadabor(think deeply) of Yusef Surreh in Quran (۱)
- Understanding the concept of Willayat (۲۰)
- A public movement (۴)
- Etekaf (۴)
- Tadabor of Ziyara Arbaeen (۸)
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Wellaye Tadabor of some of Versuses in Chapter 28/29/30 of Quran
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