Sunday, 2 February 2025، 05:39 AM

Tadabor Of Ziyara Arbaeen

Tadabor(think deeply) in Doas(ziyara)

In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate

Tadabor Of Ziyara Arbaeen

Salam Alikum:

🍀Let's think deeply about Ziyara Arbaeen:

🌹السَّلاَمُ عَلَىٰ وَلِیِّ ٱللَّهِ وَحَبِیبِهِ

Peace be upon the intimate servant of Allah and His most-beloved.

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَىٰ خَلِیلِ ٱللَّهِ وَنَجِیبِهِ

Peace be upon the friend of Allah and His elite.

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَىٰ صَفِیِّ ٱللَّهِ وَٱبْنِ صَفِیِّهِ

Peace be upon the choice of Allah and son of His choice.

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَىٰ ٱلْحُسَیْنِ ٱلْمَظْلُومِ ٱلشَّهِیدِ

Peace be upon al-Husayn the wronged and martyred.

اَلسَّلاَمُ علىٰ ﺍسِیرِ ٱلْکُرُبَاتِ

Peace be upon the captive of agonies

And the  victim of the shed tears

و قتیل العبرات


What is Salam to him(Peace be upon him)? It makes peace between us and Imam Hossain(A.S.), meaning that it creates special attention between us.

Who is Imam Hossain(A.S.)?

He is  the intimate servant of Allah and His most-beloved.

He is the friend of Allah and His elite.

He is the choice of Allah and son of His choice.

He is  al-Husayn the oppressed and martyred.

He is the captive of agonies.

He is victim of the shed tears.

What is the reason that we are supposed to give our Salam to him through those specifications?

Allah loves him because he loved Allah. Since he was oppressed, martyred, captive of agonies and victim of the shed tears.

Briefly, it means Allah loved Imam Hossain(A.S.) because of the tragedy of Karbal.

He  also showed and proved the end of his love at Karbala.

We are supposed to put  ourselves at this great love to beloved.

There are five Salams representing the 5 gates of Heaven.

Through each of those Salams we get into different levels of Heaven



O Allah, I do bear witness

اَللَّهُمَّ إِِنِّی اشْهَدُ انَّهُ وَلِیُّکَ وَٱبْنُ وَلِیِّکَ

that he is verily Your deputy and son of Your deputy,


We are supposed to reach the level of witnessing the Truth as it is shown through Allah's deputy.

 We should witness the Truth by our hearts. And the Truth is that Imam Hossain(A.S.) is His deputy and the son of His deputy

🌹وصَفِیُّکَ وَٱبْنُ صَفِیِّکَ

Your choice and son of Your choice

 We witness that he was chosen and his ancesstors were chosen to serve Allah.

 Allah's deputy and the chosen Imam  would help us to witness the Truth.

and the winner of Your honoring..........ٱلْفَائِزُ بِکَرَامَتِکَ🌹

 You have honored him with martyrdom ............ کْرَمْتَهُ بِٱلشَّهَادَةِ

 Allah honored them in order to honor us. Since we are the best of his creation.

 But the end of this honoring is to give us the opportunity to be martyred at His path.

 He gave this opportunity to his deputy, Imam Hossain(A.S.) at the land of Karbala and at the day of Ashura.

 And do  you know why we are supposed to reach his Arbain?Specifically the Arbaeen Walking?

 Because we reached the level of witnessing the Truth of his honorment.

 The honorment of Imam Hossain(A.S.) shows itself while we pass from Najaf(Imam Ali's belief) and reach Karbala(Imam Hossain's action).

 We pass Karbala, too, and reach Quds soon through Imam Mahdi(AJ)'s Arrival,




🌹وحَبَوْتَهُ بِٱلسَّعَادَةِ

endued him with happiness

وَٱجْتَبَیْتَهُ بِطِیبِ ٱلْوِلاَدَةِ

privileged him with legitimate birth

 Allah loves  Imam Hossain(A.S.) as He said in Hadith:

⭐️Allah  said in Hadith:

 "Whoever seeks me,  finds me

 whoever finds me, knows me

 whoever knows me, loves me

 whoever loves me, I love him

 whoever I love, I kill him(meaning that he would be martyred)

 whoever I kill, I would pay the price of  his blood

 and I am the price of his blood myself"


So, Allah paid the price of Imam Hossain(A.S.)'s blood from the time of his birth by privileging him with legitimate birth and then endued him with happiness

 🌹وجَعَلْتَهُ سَیِّداً مِنَ ٱلسَّادَةِ

made him one of the chiefs

وَقَائِداً مِنَ ٱلْقَادَةِ

one of the leaders

وَذَائِداً مِنْ ٱلذَّادَةِ

and one of the defenders (of Your religion)

 Allah rewards Imam Hossain(A.S.) so that He made him one of the cheifs, leaders and defenders. Since, some one might be a cheif or a leader but not a defender of our religion. But He made him all of them to defend Islam.

 🌹واعْطَیْتَهُ مَوَارِیثَ ٱلانْبِیَاءِ

gave him the inheritances of the Prophets

وَجَعَلْتَهُ حُجَّةً عَلَىٰ خَلْقِکَ مِنَ ٱلاوْصِیَاءِ

and chose him as argument against Your created beings and one of the Prophets’ successors.

 Allah gave  him  braveness,  moral, knowlege, justice and ........of the Prophets.  And He wanted him to be known as one of the Prophets' successors.

 Since He wanted everyone to know  who he is. He is the connection between the

Prophet and his successors

 🌹فاعْذَرَ فِی ٱلدُّعَاءِ

So, he called to you flawlessly,

وَمَنَحَ ٱلنُّصْحَ

gave advices

 Imam Hossain(A.S.) called to you so clearly so that no one could deny it. And throughout his life especially by the way going to Karbala he gave so many advices to

ll the people. Whoever understood him followed him. And rest of the people left him alone.

 🌹وبَذَلَ مُهْجَتَهُ فِیکَ

and sacrificed his soul for You

لِیَسْتَنْقِذَ عِبَادَکَ مِنَ ٱلْجَهَالَةِ

to save Your servants from ignorance

وَحَیْرَةِ ٱلضَّلاَلَةِ

and the confusion of straying off

 Imam Hossain(A.S.) truely  loved Allah . And since there were no way to show his love to Him other than sacrificing himself for His servants. It was the price he was supposed to pay for their ignorance and their confusion of straying off.

 So, the ignorance of people about the Imammate and Velaye might  cost alot even as much as missing an Imam.


اَللَّهُمَّ فَٱلْعَنْهُمْ لَعْناً وَبیلاًَ

So, O Allah, pour heavy curses on them

وَعَذِّبْهُمْ عَذَاباً الِیماً

and chastise them with painful chastisement.

 Yes, it's very important that we ask God to punish them. It makes us strong and our wills great to strugle with them(those who fought with Imam Hossain A.S.).



اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَیْکَ یَا بْنَ رَسُولِ ٱللهِ🌹

Peace be upon you, O son of Allah’s Messenger.

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَیْکَ یَا بْنَ سَیِّدِ ٱلاوْصِیَاءِ

Peace be upon you, O son of the chief of the Prophets’ successors

 Imam Hossain(A.S.) is not only the son of Allah's Messenger but also the chief of the Imams

 All the Imams after him are his children.

 When we say Salam to him, it connects us to him immediately.

 Then our Salam  makes us pure and without any sin since we will connect with the sea of purity.

 If each day and if each moment we say a Salam to him we get purified immediately. But since we don't think about it we waste it.


اشْهَدُ انَّکَ امِینُ ٱللَّهِ وَٱبْنُ امِینِهِ

I bear witness that you are verily the trustee of Allah and the son of His trustee.

 What is a trustworthiness?  Something that should be kept well.

 What did Allah gave everyone and the Imams kept it well?A holy soul(Nafs)  which should be kept well. And it could be kept well with a clear heart and good deeds.

 Imam Hossain(A.S.) is the trustee of Allah and the son of Ali(His trustee), too.

 While we truely bear witness to it, it means that are Allah's trustee somehow, inshallah.

🌹عشْتَ سَعیداً

You lived with happiness,

وَمَضَیْتَ حَمِیداً

passed away with praiseworthiness,

وَمُتَّ فَقِیداً مَظْلُوماً شَهِیداً

and died missed, wronged, and martyred.

Yes, Imam Hossain(A.S.) lived with prosperity. Prosperity is to be Allah's trustee.

He was His trustee. What is a trustworthiness?  Something that should be kept well.

What did Allah give everyone and the Imams kept it well? ⭐️A holy soul(Nafs)  which should be kept well. And it should  be understood and then be kept well with a clear heart and good deeds.

The only way that anyone could truely and continuously  live with prosperity and happiness is to reach the Marefat of Nafs.

And that is the secret that Imam Hossain(A.S.) passed away with praiseworthiness and got martyred(شهید) since he witnessed his Nafs and kept it well with his clear heart and good deeds at its highest degree.

But his significance was on the issue that he died so missed, wronged and martyred, too.



وَاشْهَدُ انَّ ٱللَّهَ مُنْجِزٌ مَا وَعَدَکَ

I also bear witness that Allah shall inevitably fulfill His promise to You,

وَمُهْلِکٌ مَنْ خَذَلَکَ

exterminate those who disappointed you,

What was Allah's promise to Imam Hossain(A.S.)?

He promissed that The good future  is for virtues people.(والعاقبه للمتقین)

And He will torture and exterminate those who left you alone,  put down their alleignce  with Imam Hossain(A.S.) and finally killed him.



I also bear witness that you fulfilled your pledge to Allah

and strove hard in His way until death

I bear witness with my heart since my eyes didn't see it. I witnessed that Imam Hossain(A.S.) fulfilled his pledge to Allah. His pledge to Allah was his standing and resistance  for his belief on God and His orders.

He strove and fought hard in Allah's path until death and we witness it by our hearts. The ones who understood their Nafs could truely reach Marefa(the real understandings), bear witness and even fulfil their pledge to Allah, too, inshallah.

And we are telling all these things to Imam Hossain(A.S.) since we had got so close to him through our hearts while reading Ziyara Arbaeen.


🌹فلَعَنَ ٱللَّهُ مَنْ قَتَلَکَ

So, may Allah curse those who slew you.

وَلَعَنَ ٱللَّهُ مَنْ ظَلَمَکَ

May Allah curse those who wronged you

وَلَعَنَ اللهُ اُمَةً سَمِعت بـِذلک فَرَضِیَت بـه

May Allah curse the people who, when informed about that, were okay with it.

There is a great effect if we ask Allah to curse those guilty people, Since it clears  our path. There is a Truth and a False path. That we should understand their  thin and specific  differences.

There were three groups of people following the Falsehood:

1- Who slew(killed) Imam Hossain(A.S.)

2- Who wronged(oppressed)  him

3- Who were okey with it, when they informed about that

We should clear our status, our position, and our interest confronting the world crisis facing these day, too.

We shouldn't be silent. We should  ask Allah  to curse them, too, Why don't we do that?

Don't tell me we do it. If  we see Karbala and its tragedy right now, we should not only pray alot and ask Him to curse the oppressors but also we should do alot things to help the oppressed ones, such as doing alot things for the Arrival of Imam Mahdi(AJ).

Ask him, he would inform you about the things you could do. Ask him sincerely by your heart, please.


🌹اللَّهُمَّ إِِنِّی ﺍشْهِدُکَ

O Allah, I do ask You to witness for me that

ﺍنِّی وَلِیٌّ لِمَنْ وَالاَهُ

I am loyal to those who are loyal to him

وَعَدُوٌّ لِمَنْ عَادَاهُ

and enemy of his enemies.

بابی انت  وَ اُمی یَا بْن رَسولِ اللهِ

May my father and mother be your ransoms, O son of Allah's Messenger

This phrase of Ziyara Arbaeen has two sections: at  first we ask Allah to witness our sincerity to Imam Hossain(A.S.) and secondly we show it(our sincerity)  to him.

Through a thin but specific line, we declare that: "I am loyal to those who are loyal to him and enemy of his enemies".

There is a formala which says: The opposite things cannot be added.

So, it's impossible for any body to be loyal to his worldly desires and at the same time be loyal to those who are loyal to Imam Hossain(A.S.).

And it's impossible for any one to be enemy to those who are loyal to the Imam and also be enemy to  those who are enemy to him.

They are in contradiction.

 For example: if we have worldly desires in our heart we cann't have love of Imam Mahdi(AJ) in it, too.

 We cannot do anything for his Arrival, sincerely. We cannot love Imam Hossain(A.S.) at all.

 We even though say to him that: May my father and mother be your ransoms, O son of Allah's Messenger


🌹اشهَدُ اَنّک کُنتَ نوُرا فی الأصلابِ الشّامِخَةِ

I bear witness that you were light in the sublime loins

وَالأرحـامِ المُطَهَرَةِ

and purified wombs

لم تـُنَجـِسـکَ الجـاهِلیَّةُ بـاَنِجـاسـِها

the impurities of the Ignorance Era could not subject you to filth

وَلَم تـُلبـِسکَ مِن مُدلَهِمّاتِ ثـِیابـِها

nor could its murky clothes dress you

 The  important  points  are  that: 

1-  He was light

2-  He was in the sublime loins and purified wombs

3-  He was saved from the impurities of the Ignorance Era

4-   He wasn't  dressed  with  its murky clothes

All of those are obvious for us and we bear witness to them. But we mostly don't know truely what the light is. So, we cannot truely witness it.

 What is that light?

 Certainly, light would be well understood when it is compared with the darkness.

 But the point is that if we are at the darkness ourselves  and got use to it. Then we cannot understand what light is.

 Imam Hossain(A.S.) was light and Imam Mahdi(AJ) is light  right now.

 We need light to go further from  where we are. The reason that we are at the same point that we were is our selfishness.

 When Moses left his family and went to bring a light. The first thing that God told him was "take off your Naleins(shoes). Imam Mahdi(AJ) has interpreted it that "you should put away your belongings (your selfishness)" . (Surreh Taha: 12)

 We should understand that we need light to go further from where we are and ask it from Allah. Ask for it sincerely days and nights. And we should try to look,  listen  and understand well. And in result we should accept one's criticize and change ourselves to a better moral . Then we would reach the light of Imam Mahdi(AJ), inshallah.

 No one can explain what light is. Light should be understood.


وَاَشهَدُ ﺍنَّکَ مِنْ دَعَائِمِ ٱلدِّینِ

I also bear witness that you are one of the mainstays of the religion,

وَاَرکانِ المُؤمِنینَ

the supports of Muslims,

وَمَعْقِلِ ٱلْمُؤْمِنِینَ

and the haven of the believers

 How could an Imam be the mainstays of the religion? We should witness it.

 Until we don't witness it by our heart it cann't be understood.

If we see it by our hearts then we understand that how he is the supports of Muslims and the haven of the believers.

 What is the mainstays of the religion? An Imam.

 It means that a religion has no meaning without having an Imam. Imam's existance gives the real meaning to our existance as well. And he becomes our haven, too.

 Since, we all need to see the  complete end of the way we are going. We need to see  and reach the  complete and the end of humanity which is the Imammate and Velayate.

 My Lord, they killed the end of humanity at Karbala on the day of Ashura.

 And those cursed oppressors  are killing all the scholars, good,  innocent and oppressed people through out  the world.

If there were no Imam at the world anymore I never had an aim or a wish for my life.

Ya Imam Mahdi(AJ): We live for your Arrival, the arrival of humanity


🌹واشْهَدُ انَّکَ ٱلإِمَامُ ٱلْبَرُّ ٱلتَّقِیُّ

I also bear witness that you are the Godfearing, pious,

ٱلرَّضِیُّ ٱلزَّکِیُّ

pleased, immaculate

الهادِی المَهدِیُ

a guide, and a well-guided Imam

 We should witness it first. These points should be witnessed that Imam Hossain(A.S.) was Godfearing, pious, pleased, immaculate, a guide and a well-guided Imam.

 It means we should witness these through our hearts.

 The only thing which reaches us to love the Imams specifically Imam Hossain(A.S.)  is through Marefat(a deep knowledge) which will be achieved by witnessing these points with our hearts.


We don't know what the real love of Imam Hossain(A.S.) is until we witness such these symbols of humanity  related to him.

 These are related to each other. For example: One who is Godfearing, pious, pleased, immaculate, he would certainly be a guide and a well-guided Imam, too.

God gives the opportunity to be a guide and a well-guided Imam if he is Godfearing, ...................

 So, lets beg  our age Imam, Imam Mahdi(AJ) to ask Allah an opportunity, firstly to  witness the truth of their  purity as deep as it is possible,  secondly to follow them in it and  finally to become their support in his Arrival, inshallah.



وَاشْهَدُ انَّ ٱلائِمَّةَ مِنْ وُلْدِکَ

And I bear witness that the Imams from your progeny

کَلِمةُ التَّقوى

are the words of piety,

وَاَعلامُ الهُدى

the signs of guidance,

وَالعروةُ الوُثقى

the firmest handle (to Allah)

وَالحجَّةُ على اَهل الدُنیا

and the decisive Argument against the inhabitants of the world.

 We are supposed to witness so many things about the Imams such as those that are pointed out in Ziyara Arbain.  We talk to Imam Hossain(A.S.) about his progeny whom are the Imams.

 The Imams are the words of virtue. Meaning they are The Virtue themselves. Virtue gets its real and complete meaning through the Imams.

 Anyone who wants to be guided should firstly look for its signs. And the Imams are the signs of guidance.

 Anyone who wants to be protected after being guided should follow the Imams since they are the firmest handle(to Allah).

 Anyone who looks for Allah's  decisive reason in this world he should understand the  truth  of the Imams.


And we know that Imam Mahdi(AJ) is Imam Hossain(A.S.)'s ninth progeny,  the word of virtue, the signs of guidance, the firmest handle(to Allah) and Allah's decisive reason in this world, too.

 All  the world would witness  the truth of   these realities by his Arrival soon, inshallah.



وَاَشهَدُ اَنّی بـِکـمُ مُؤمِنٌ وَبایِابکم مُوقنٌ

I also bear witness that I believe in you all and in your Return,

مُوقِنٌ بِشَرَایِعِ دِینِی وَخَوَاتِیمِ عَمَلِی

I have full confidence in the laws of my religion and in the seals of my deeds,

وَقَلْبِی لِقَلْبِکُمْ سِلْمٌ

my heart is at peace with you all,

وَاَمری لِامْرِکمُ مُتَّبع

all my affairs are based on your commands,

وَنُصْرَتِی لَکُمْ مُعَدَّةٌ

and my support for you all is already all set

حَتَّىٰ یَاذَنَ اللَّهُ لَکُمْ

until Allah permits you.

 We should prove our sincerity to all Imams(A.S.). 

And it should be proven through our belief in their Imamate and Velaye and in their return by the Arrival of Imam Mahdi(AJ).

We should witness the truth of those facts through the  laws of our religion as it has said. And we should prove it through our deeds, too.

Not only our deeds but also our hearts should be at peace with them all. It means that there  shouldn't be a contradiction between our deeds and our hearts in following their Imammate and Velaye.

 The affairs of the real followers of Imammate and Velaye should be based on their commands. It should be shown through our already all set support for them until Allah permits them to be the Imam of the time.

A question: How do we follow our Imam of time? Is our heart at peace with him all the times and follow him through our deeds somehow that our affairs  is  based on his commands and the  already all set of our support is for him?


🌹فمَعَکُمْ مَعَکُمْ

So, I am with you. I am with you,

لاََ مَعَ عَدُوِّکُمْ

not with your enemies

 We are supposed to announce our straight path, the path of the Imammate and Velaye. We shouldn't be  with their enemies at all.

 The point is  that the word 'with'(مع)  means we should be with the Imammate and Velaye in our hearts, talks and deeds. And we shouldn't be with their enemies even in our hearts, talks and deeds.


🌹صـَلَوات الله عَلَیکم

Allah’s blessings be upon you

وَعَلى اَرواحـِکم وَعَلى اَجـسـادِکُم

upon your souls, upon your bodies,

وَشَاهِدِکُمْ وَغَائِبِکُمْ

upon the present and the absent from you,

وَظَاهِرِکُمْ وَبَاطِنِکُمْ

and upon the apparent and the invisible from you.

 We should ask sincerely  for Allah's blessings for them so that we get blessed, too.

We ask Allah's blessings specifically for the souls, bodies, present , absent, apparent and the invisible of the Imams.

At the end of Ziyare Arbaeen we understand their   and our three aspects.  Their significance  is that Allah has blessed their three aspects certainly.

Three aspects of all the human beings: 👇

اَرواحکم وَ اَجسادِکُم

1-Their souls and their  bodies,

شَاهِدِکُمْ وَغَائِبِکُمْ

2-Their present and their absent from them

ظَاهِرِکُمْ وَبَاطِنِکُمْ

3-Their  apparent and the invisible from them

Since the soul, body, present, absent, apparent and invisible of the Imams are all unified, so all of them are one light(نور واحد) . For example: Imam Mahdi(AJ) is the invisibe one of them who is truely their apparent, absent, present, body and soul, too.

 Actually, all of our hearts  present  our souls, absent and invisible aspects. And our talks and deeds present  our bodies, present and apparent aspects.

If we trully  get united with the Imams  in our three aspects(hearts, talk and deeds) Allah would bless us with the Arrival of Imam Mahdi(AJ), inshallah.

آمِینَ رَبَّ ٱلْعَالَمِینَ

Respond to us, O Lord of the Worlds



Eltemase Doa: اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج


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