Sunday, 9 March 2025، 05:51 AM

۲۰ مطلب با موضوع «Understanding the concept of Willayat» ثبت شده است

Willayat(Part 12)

Understanding the concept of Willayat



✅In the name of Allah 


#Willayat(The  lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad): We present you it's summary: 

(Part 12)👇👇👇

✅ Of course when we cite such examples about relations between the Islamic world and other countries, we never mean that Islamic societies should live in political isolation from the rest of the world, no, not at all. We could have diplomatic, political and commercial relations with non-Islamic countries and we do exchange ambassadors with them. 👉But we should never allow them to have wilayat over us; our relations with them are not like the kind of united, coherent and ideological relations we have with other Islamic communities.

📣As I said earlier, these are two dimensions of wilayat:

1️⃣brotherly, religious  with other Muslims  and

2️⃣  prevention of any non-Islamic or domination by non-Muslims.

We have talked about Quranic wilayat. We must also explain wilayat as believed by the Shi’ites because some people think these are two different kinds of wilayat! There is a very delicate point here: the wilayat or imamat in Shi’ism derives from the Quran. We must answer the Question why we attach great importance to our relations with Imams and obey their orders, advices and injunctions with our hearts and souls. The answer, as I pointed out earlier, lies in the Quran: if an Islamic society is to move in one direction, to unite all its forces and to prevent all external, harmful influences, it must, according to Quranic wilayat, have a central authority in a pious leader so that all Muslims could be inspired by him, listen to him and be at his command; this Imam is the one who knows all about exigencies of the umma, the corrupting elements among them and is able to decide upon what’s good for the umma. It is absolutely necessary for the Islamic umma to have this central authority to lead the affairs of the Islamic society; this leader should not fear anything on the path of God, and if necessary to be ready to give up his life for the interests of the umma. What do we call such a person? We call him👉 "Imam".

📣 Imam is the person who is ordained by God to administer the affairs of the umma. What does it mean to be chosen by God? Does God introduce him to you by name? The same way that Imam Ali (AS) chose Hassan and Husain as future Imams of the umma? Well, let’s take a glimpse at the Quran again when it says that the divine prophets are also Imams: “He (God) said ‘I am making you an Imam for the people’…”*. This is what God Almighty says to Abraham; Imam means the ruler of the faithful, the leader and the sublime guide of the people.(Be continued)


* Sura 2, Aya 124.


Willayat(Part 11)

Understanding the concept of Willayat


In the name of Allah 


#Willayat(The  lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad): We present you it's summary: 👇👇👇
(Part 11)

❓❓  Now, what about the external relations with non-Islamic people? In one word, the Islamic umma should administer its relations with them in such a way that it will never be subjugated to them, never be influenced by their thoughts and doctrines and never abandon its independent policies under their influence. Being in one camp or front with them is absolutely forbidden. Here I better relate the story of minting coins in the world of Islam. I sum up the story: in early centuries of Islam currencies for business transactions were of foreign origin, specially Roman, and once the Romans had threatened to stop the flow of their currency into the Islamic world. According to certain reports, one of our Imams, either Imam Saadeq (AS) or Imam Baaqer guided the Khalifate administration how to mint Islamic coins and not to be dependent on non-Islamic governments in this important affair. The interesting aspect of this report is the fact that this case is one of the exceptional times when our Imams (AS) guided the Khalifs whose authority was usurped.

✅Thus we as Muslims are once again advised not to be influenced an iota by non-Islamic, specially anti-Islamic powers. Islam is not against having fair relations with such countries but Islam rejects all exploitative, colonial relations with them. You must know about the incident of Tobacco Concession given to a foreign company called Regie by Nasser-al-Dean shah; the concessions granted to this company would allow it to control many business deals as well as supervising the Iranian Customs Office. So Ayatollah Mirza Shirazi issued a fatwa against it, all people supported it and the Shah had to cancel the contract. Another significant case was that of the British East India Company allowed to operate in India by some weak-minded, Mongol, Muslim rulers that ended up in turning India into a colony of Britain for decades; in fact Britain become a real empire by this Company plundering the wealth and resources of India. Those Muslim rulers should have known better about granting such immense concessions to foreign countries but unfortunately they did not have a proper, Islamic insight. Islam never sanctions such relations with non- Islamic nations.(Be continued)


Willayat(Section 10)

Understanding the concept of Willayat



In the name of Allah 


(Section 10)

#Willayat(The  lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad): We present you it's summary: 👇👇👇

🌈Well, let’s go back to our discussion of wilayat which I hope to bring to a satisfactory conclusion within a couple of days. I have already told you about the establishment of an Islamic society and the Islamic umma. Now when we do have an Islamic society based on divine laws and injunctions, then the most necessary factor for its continuation and progress is in Quranic wilayat, as I explained . We should not confuse this Quranic wilayat with the concept of wilayat that some ordinary people have in mind. We are now dealing with the concept of wilayat as designated in the Quran. If the Islamic umma is to respect the Quranic wilayat, they have to pay attention to all three dimensions of wilayat as I briefly explained before. The first dimension is about their internal relations, that is, relation within the Islamic community. The second covers the Islamic external relations, that is, the umma’s relations with non-Islamic society

🌈The first dimension on internal relations will be realized only when utmost coherence, unity and solidarity is secured among all groups within the Islamic world without any adversity, enmity or harmful differences among them. In case some units or groups in the world of Islam start fighting each other for any reason, the Quranic injunction is that all other than Muslims should do their best to put an end to it by mediations and brotherly compromises, but if one party is the aggressor or fights for wrongful causes, all other Muslims should unitedly try to stop him and make it see the truth. This is the very Quranic verse in this respect: “if two parties among the faithful are at war, the one against the other, make peace between them, but if either of them transgresses against the other, then you must combat the transgressor until it submits to Allah’s order, and when it does so, make peace between them in fairness and with justice…”(Sura 49, Aya 9). As you notice the Quran tells us that if a party is the transgressor, you must unitedly oppose it and, if necessary, fight it until it returns to the peaceful path of God. This is God’s injunction about preserving the unity of the Muslim umma.(Be continued)


Willayat(Section 9)

Understanding the concept of Willayat

( #getting_prepared_and_organized_for_the_arrival


In the name of Allah 


(Section  9)

Willayat(The  lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad): We present you it's summary: 👇👇👇

“O You believers, take not Jews, nor Christian for your guardians; they are guardians of one another. If one of you takes them for guardians, he’ll then become one of their number, and God does not bless with Guidance the people who transgress.(51) Yet you see those who have a sickness in their hearts running to woo them; they opine ‘we worry lest a change of fortune bring us some disaster!’ Ah, may Allah bring about a triumph or a manifest, event from His own self, to make them most ashamed of what they hid inside the breast.(52)”(Sura Maa’ida, Ayas 51-52)

I’d like to quote a famed Narration attributed to our holy Prophet (PBUH) which says: ‘Blessing of God upon any man who does his work attentively’*. This means that in everything you do, you must be most cautious, watchful and circumspective. As an example, we should, in this mosque(for example), think beforehand of all probabilities and incidents such as the microphone being faulty, the lights being cut off and the like; we must always think about probable events.

There is a narration from our dear Imam Ali (AS), in one of his sermons recorded in Nahj-al-Balaagha; briefly it says: I am not like an unintelligent animal in deep sleep in its den, an easy prey for hunters, no, I am always watchful, I always try to foresee probable events and I always learn lessons from what goes on to constantly increase my experience to confront future events. Here we must follow our Imam to constantly increase our experience and be ready to face problems and try to solve them.(Be continued)


 Shawahid-Al-Tanzil Li-Ghawaid-Al-Tanzil*


Willayat(Section 8)

Understanding the concept of Willayat



In the name of Allah 


#Willayat(The  lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad): We present you it's summary: 👇👇👇

(Part  8)

📣Our own 4th Imam, Imam Sajjaad (AS) also spoke in the same manner with the deviated people of his time. There is a hadeeth (narration) in the book “Bihaar-al-Anwar” about Yahya-bin-umma-Tuwail, a devoted disciple of Imam Sajjaad (AS), addressing the people in the Medina Mosque. These people, among whom the Imams Hassan and Husain (AS) had lived for years, did not help these Imams when needed. In fact they did not have any liking or attachment to the ruling Bani-Umayya Khalifs. So why didn’t they help the rightful Imams? Because they were chicken-hearted cowards who, fearing the suppression and persecution of the deviated rulers, left the progeny of the holy Prophet alone in Karbala; they were not disbelievers, they only feared for their lives.

❌Anyway, Yahya(the prophet)  addresses these people quoting the content of some verses of the Quran we already mentioned: ‘We are clear of you, we disown you, and enmity and hatred shall run between us forever.’* This is exactly what Abraham said to those people. As you see, the wilayat that Yahya believes in is the same wilayat as at the time of Abraham. This means that if a Shi’a person does not follow his Imam and joins the camp of the enemies through fear or greed, he is no more a Shi’ite, he is no longer on the path of God. Yahya-bin-Umm-Tuwail, after the demise of Imam Sajjaad, succeeded in strengthening and fortifying the Shi’ite organizations. He was later arrested by the faithless, blood-thirsty governor, Hajjaaj-bin Yousof; he ordered his henchmen to cut off his hands, his legs and finally his tongue and he died as a true, selfless, Shi’ite martyr who never submitted to the oppressive, un-Islamic rulers.(Be continued)


* Bihar-Al-Anwar - Chapter Ali-Ibn-Al-Husain


Guardian Juristprodent Proof

Understanding the concept of Willayat

‍ (✅“Guardian Juristprodent” is the same as “Islamic Guardian Jurist” means acceptance of Islamic regulations and laws, instead of eastern and western man made regulations, and act upon it.

📣Guardian Juristprodent Proof

❓1. Is it possible to have a society without government?

❓2. In a so-called Muslim community, does this government has to be based on Islamic regulations and values?

❓3. Now, if a system is  supposed to be familiar with Islamic values and regulations, does the ruler have to be someone who is familiar with the Islamic values and regulations?

❓4. What kind of familiarity are we looking for, based on a knowledgeable mindful thinking or just an imitation follow up?

✅So, this is “Guardian Juristprodent” and nothing else!


Willayat(Section 7)

Understanding the concept of Willayat



✅In the name of Allah 


#Willayat(The  lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad): We present you it's summary: 👇👇👇

(Section   7)

✅Mumtahina  Sura is of utmost importance; it does not say that you should not cooperate or be friends with all disbelievers, that you should have no relationships and that you should cut all ties with them. The other verses in the same Sura clearly tell us what groups of disbelievers are your stubborn enemies.  But now let us continue reading the first 4 verses of this Sura. “…do you then extend secret affection to them as friendly companions?! And I do know well what you conceal and that you reveal; and whosoever of you may do this, will surely stray from the right way.” God says that if you maintain open or secret contact or companionship with those who oppose the Truth revealed to you and show enmity to you and the Messenger, you should realize that I know about it all, and that anyone among you who does this is surely astray from the right path. And then God does introduce such opponents.

Well, the commentators say that this verse is about this kind of dubious thinking. It does explain that they are your ideological enemies, they are people who aim at destroying you and your religion and that they will never be kind to you.

The next verse in this Sura makes the point absolutely clear: “if they gain the upper hand over you, you’ll find that they are foemen…”. This is like saying: You foolish Haatib, don’t be mistaken in thinking that they will reciprocate your affection if they win the battle; they will treat you most ruthlessly. The verse goes on: “…they shall unleash their hands and tongues to do you evil wrongs, and they will keenly crave that you may disbelieve…”. This means that if they defeat you, they won’t allow you to be believers even only in your hearts, no, you’ll have to become pagans and infidels just like them.(Be continued)


Willayat(Section 6)

Understanding the concept of Willayat



✅In the name of Allah 


#Willayat(The  lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad): We present you it's summary: 👇👇👇

(Section  6)

✅Many of those who fought Imam Ali (as) did have respect and kind regards for his sublime virtues, but for temporal gains and cheap, worldly rewards, they joined the camps who fought him. So the kind of wilayat we are explaining is not about loving or not loving the Prophet’s holy progeny. We must think about wilayat to find out what kind of wilayat we believe in. some people would like to fool themselves by expressing their love and reverence for the Imams (as) and not paying any attention to those commitments that their belief in wilayat requires.

On the occasion of Al-Ghadeer, people usually recite this prayer: ‘Praise be to God who made us resorters to the wilayat of Ali-bin-Abi Taalib (as)’*. I often advise my friends to say: ‘O God, pray make us the resorters to…’, that is, beseeching God to help us become true believers in wilayat. Anyway, I think we have talked about one dimension of wilayat sufficiently. And I think that the Sura Mumtahina in the Quran could also be called the Sura Al-wilayat and now I shall recite, translate and explain the verses 1 to 4 from this Sura. It begins: “In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful; O You believers! Do not take for guardians the enemies of Mine and foes of yours;…”. The translation of ‘owliah’ in the papers handed to you is good; it says ‘companions, comrades’ because some people translate the word as ‘friends’; this is an incomplete meaning because the verse talks about the ‘enemies of God and believers’, and it is obvious that you should not be friends with such enemies! The verse tells us something more than this: you should never allow them to become your guardians, you should never let them infiltrate your ranks, but you should consider them as your opponents and foes which in fact they are.

Next we read: “…you show them friendship but they are the ones who rejected the Truth that was revealed to you; and drove out the Messenger and yourselves because you did believe in God, your Lord…’. They are the people who drove you and your Prophet from their houses ad their city only because you did believe in God the One, God Almighty and your Lord, they are your real enemies, and you should never let them help you. “…if you come out to struggle in My cause seeking to please Me, do you then extend secret affection to them as friendly, fellow-combatants?!...”. The verses tell us that if you go out to fight on the path of God and if your objective is to please your Lord, then you should not take God’s enemies as your helpers.(Be continued)


Willayat(Section 5)

Understanding the concept of Willayat



✅In the name of Allah 


#Willayat(The  lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad): We present you it's summary: 👇👇👇

(Section  5)

📣The holy Quran speaks of the faithful as one another’s Owlia, that is, guardians, comrades and affectionate friends and brothers. In the words of many early Islamic jurisprudents, Shi’a equals faithful, and true believer. Immediately after converting to Islam, the most important issue is faith. What does this kind of interpretation mean? It means the faith is what the logic of Shi’ism proves. Our pure Imams (as) kept the Shi’a faith alive by bringing true Muslims together as brothers and guardians of one another the way the holy Prophet kept them united, unshakable and steadfast, otherwise Shi’ism could have withered and died as numerous other Islamic sects did. As I said this was one dimension of wilayat. But there is another dimension to it, which is perhaps more important, and that is ‘the wilayat of the walee-al-Allah’.

❓What does this wilayat of the walee of God mean?

❓What is the wilayat of Imam Ali (as) or Imam Saadeq?

❓Why should we today believe in the wilayat of the Imams?

❓Does this mean that we only ought 👉 to love the Imams?

✅How wrong are they who think so! Wilayat is not at all restricted to loving and respecting the progeny of the holy Prophet.

❓Are there any Muslims who don’t respect and love them? Even those who fought against them in early stages of Islam did have respect and love for them, but they were unfortunate to be the servants of oppressive rulers, yet they opposed them and fought them for worldly attachments, positions and wealth. It is reported that Mansour, the Abbasid Khalif wept when he heard the news of Imam Saadeq’s death;

❓But who had ordered the poisoning of the Imam? 👉It was he who had ordered it! Maybe he respected and loved the Imam! (Be continued)


Willayat: (Section 4)

Understanding the concept of Willayat



✅In the name of Allah 


#Willayat(The  lecture of  Ayatollah Khamenei in Ramadan of 1394 in Mashhad): We present you it's summary: 👇👇👇

(Section  4)

We may also add that the small, Shi’a communities during the later rule of some perverted, anti-Shi’a administrations could not have survived if it were not for their deep, unshakable faith in wilayat.

❓How did the Shi’a communities survive against all odds in the oppressive khalifs, their tortures, murders, imprisonments and the devastating, anti-Shi’a propaganda by the servants of these regimes? It was only through their deep and profound belief in Wilayat from which they never separated for a minute.

You have heard of certain streams in the oceans that flow inside other tumul¬tuous, strong currents, waves and adverse conditions but, it is said that this pure, sweet, small stream goes on its way without mingling with other strong currents or being affected by other salty, muddy and bitter currents. Now let us extend this example to the world of Islam under the rule of the Khalifs of Bani Umayya and Bani Abbas when schools of thought, ideological currents and political thinking of various hues and colours were fighting one another. When you look at this state of affairs for centuries, you will notice that Shi’ism continues its own small, spot¬less stream despite all odds and you are really surprised at its pure, congruous and resistant continuity.

❓Which was the factor that kept it in its pure state? Nothing but belief in the rightfulness of Wilayat, the Wilayat that brings people together in a most coherent and brotherly way. Wilayat has the same meaning of Wilayat at the time of our holy Prophet. But this is only one dimension of Wilayat; there are other dimensions to the question of Wilayat which I’ll talk about later.(To  be continued)
