Monday, 6 May 2024، 01:32 AM

۱۷ مطلب با موضوع «Messages» ثبت شده است

Message No. 7


Message No. 7:

In the Name of the Most High

Talking about waiters and friends of Imam Mahdi ( AS),

Imam Sajjad(AS) told one of his friends named Aboukhaled, rahmatollah:

1. The people who live in Absence Time of Imam Mahdi (AS) and believe in his Imamate and leadership and are waiting for his Appearance and uprising are superior than the people of any other era, because the Almighty Allah has granted them such wisdom, understanding and cognition that his Absence is the same as his appearance. (For awareness and cognition, they consider Imam Mahdi(AS)  Absence like his appearance

on which they have a strong belief on his presence

and they have based their efforts, thoughts, aims and functions. They live in such a way that they live in Appearance.

2. At this time, the Almighty Allah has considered them like soldiers ( mojaheds) who fight against enemies ahead of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) with their swords, because they make efforts and fight (Jehad) against enemies ( and they are not indifference).
3. In fact, our honest men and real Shias are such people who invite towards Allah in public and in private (their invitation is not towards East and West).

Message No. 6


Message No. 6 :

Presence of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

In the Name of the Most High

Imam Ali (AS) states that: the friends of Imam Mahdi (AS) do not fear of anyone other than Allah and they seek martyrdom.

Imam Ali ( AS) states that: fear is the greatest sin.

(Fear of one other than Allah, fear of inability, fear of illness, fear of not reaching at ambitions and dreams, fear of becoming alone, etc.)

 In sum, these fears would prompt human to tell a lie and to commit theft and obtain and eat haraam ( illegitimate) property.

The Almighty Allah examine human being with fear,

وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّکُمْ بِشَیْءٍ مِّنَ الْخَوفْ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِّنَ الأَمَوَالِ وَالأنفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِینَ

And we will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,

Holy Koran, 2:155

Fear of one other than the Creature is the root of all sins. Having in mind the

In the Holy Koran, 3: 175,

إِنَّمَا ذَلِکُمُ الشَّیْطَانُ یُخَوِّفُ أَوْلِیَاءهُ فَلاَ تَخَافُوهُمْ وَخَافُونِ إِن کُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِینَ

 it reads: That is only Satan who frightens his supporters. So fear them not, but fear Me, if you are [indeed] believers.

This very verse shows that Satan causes fear of everything other than Allah, and contradictions would never collocate.

 That is why the Almighty Allah determines to discard that fear to replace His fear in our hearts.He says “don’t fear” لا تخف      (20:68)

الا بذکرالله تطمئن القلوب (13:28)

“Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured”

Almighty Allah and that He is always with us would bring calmness and hinders a fear of one other than Him.

Holy Koran, 13: 28

Imam Mahdi ( AS) is Hojjat and Baghiat  of Allah, he himself is the remembrance of Allah.

Perceiving his presence and believing in the ever sympathy of Imam Mahdi ( AS) with us would bring calmness to our hearts. The calmness resulted from perception of his presence eradicates any fear save Allah.

 The Almighty Allah has repeatedly reiterated in the holy Koran that do not be frightened and introduced His successors on the Earth ( Oliaollah) as such,

ان اولیاء الله لا خوف علیهم و لا هم یحزنون(10:62)

The collocation of contradictions is impossible, a heart that is calm due to seeing the Almighty Allah and perceiving it’s Imam of the time would never be frightened by one other than Allah, thus piety would enter into his heart.

 Piety is twofold: 1. Fear of the punishment of Allah or of His lonesome. 2. No fear of one other than Allah and refraining from one other than Him. As mentioned in the interpretations of the Holy Koran, this is utterly true that when human being feels himself monitored divinely, he would refrain himself from thinking of sin let alone to do it. And that is understanding the presence of Almighty Allah that requires a means to understand. As Koran says :

وابتغوا الیه الوسیله(5:35)

That means   is now Imam Mahdi ( AS), understanding the presence of Allah is materialized when understanding  the presence of Imam is internalized. In addition, in the preceding verse, that is 174, poses the response to fear of disasters and so on, if human beings incline to the blessings of Allah, they would not suffer from any difficulties and agonies and the Almighty Allah would be satisfied. As mentioned in the interpretations, the blessing of Allah is His hojjat  on earth. It means:

The perception of Imam Mahdi’s presence.


Message No. 5



Message No.5 :

Imam Sajjad (AS):  "Oh, Abou Khaled ( Abou Khaled Kaboli)! Verily the people of his

( Imam Mahdi A.S.) Absence era, who believe in his Imamate and are waiting for his arrival  are the best people of all eras, because the Almighty Allah has granted them such wisdoms, understandings and cognitions that Absence is deemed like presence."


…because they understand his presence and are fully enjoying his presence with a view to reaching out his Appearance.


Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in a signed letter to Ishagh ebne Yakub:  “During my Absence people could enjoy ( Imam) like enjoying sun when clouds cover their eyes.”


Perception of presence means fully enjoying sun while it is behind clouds. Sunshine is a manifestation and token of sun and perception of presence is a manifestation and token of perception of Appearance, inshallah.



Imam Sajjad (AS):  "Oh, Abou Khaled ( Abou Khaled Kaboli)! Verily the people of his ( Imam Mahdi A.S.) Absence era, who believe in his Imamate and are waiting for his arrival  are the best people of all eras, because the Almighty Allah has granted them such wisdoms, understandings and cognitions that Absence is deemed like presence."


…because they understand his presence and are fully enjoying his presence with a view to reaching out his Appearance.


Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in a signed letter to Ishagh ebne Yakub:  “During my Absence people could enjoy ( Imam) like enjoying sun when clouds cover their eyes.”


Perception of presence means fully enjoying sun while it is behind clouds. Sunshine is a manifestation and token of sun and perception of presence is a manifestation and token of perception of Appearance, inshallah.

Message No. 4


Message  No. 4:

Oh Safiran( ambassadors) of Imam Mahdi (AS)

To Remind Aim: Seeking satisfaction of Allah (towards Allah) with understanding the presence of Imam Mahdi (AS), that is; an understanding that his heart always beats for us. Consequently; having understood the presence of his heart, our hearts turn soft and humble.

الذین یومنون بالغیب

Holy Koran: Chapter II, verse 3.

Having understood his presence, we would become polite and be ashamed of doing wrong. Thus our deeds would be good.

و یقیمون صلوه و یوتون الزکاه و مما رزقناهم ینفقون

Holy Koran: Chapter II, verse 3.

We would become congruent with him and ready to assist him.

والذین ...

Holy Koran: Chapter II, verse 4.

Therefore, he would choose us to assist him        

   اولئک علی هدی من ربهم و اولئک هم المفلحون 

Message No. 3


Message No.3 :

 Imam Mohammad Bagher(PBUH)

"Do you suppose that our seeing eyes and listening ears are not always accompanying you?

What a wrong belief! I swear to God that not any of your deeds is concealed from us. Therefore, consider us ever present with yourselves and habituate yourselves doing good and being benevolent, so that you would be identified with these sign and mark. I order my offsprings and followers ( Shias) to have this program.( Beharolanvar Vol. 46 p.243 quoted from Kharaej Rawandi) Therefore, to have a program for doing good and making it a habit, one first needs to understand and believe in the presence of infallible Imam."

Message No. 2


 Message No 2:
 Imam Khomaini has said: "It will be a continuous and perpetual regret for you to open your eyes one day and to realize that you see everything except God. With no possiblity anymore of the curtains [before your eyes] to fall or the covers [which prevent you from seeing God] to be removed. Therefore we start our Network , paying attention to and aiming at serving Him, till the day the government of Imam Mahdi will be realized.Thus we now take the first step based on the words of the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran Ayatollah Khomaini on its turn being based on the words of the Ahlul Bayt.Please do and write down these points and possibly tell them to others, too. " Perception of the Presence of Imam Zaman (A.S Perception of the presence of Imam Zaman ( ASj) means the extreme enjoyment of the sun of existence of Imam Zaman from behind the cloud of Absence. 
Note 1: It is the perception of the presence of Imam Zaman( AS) that would cause a radical change in all aspects of our lives: morality, behavior and discourse. It is the belief of the presence of the clean mirror of his being that makes our deficiencies and defects seen. At the end of Ahd prayer quoted from Imam Sadegh ( AS), it is said that the hurdles of Islamic Umma are surmounted with the perception of his presence and finally it would be led to his reappearance. اللهم اکشف هذه الغمة عن هذه الامة بحضوره و عجل لنا ظهوره برحمتک یا ارحم الراحمین If we deeply ask for a good ( like perception of his presence) from Allah, we would be given. But, unfortunately, we deeply ask for worldly things much more than other things and this paradox is impossible. 
Therefore, we should sincerely ask it from God and try our best to reach that opportunity and prepare the basis of his appearance inshallah. Visit this weblog: our email:

Message No. 1:


Message No. 1:


Imam Sadiq once asked Shias  to be for the Imam  Zaman  {like} an adornment


and not a reason for being ashamed. He asked us to speak well to
people and avoid unuseful or impolite speech.
Friends! Let’s live and relate to people in a way that Imam Mahdi
(A.S.) could be proud of us and not feel ashamed and sorry
for our behavior.


Congatulations for the birth anniversary of The Messenger of God,
Muhammad (A.S.) and Imam Sadiq (A.S)