Sunday, 9 March 2025، 05:24 AM

۳ مطلب با موضوع «Messages of Holy Ramadan» ثبت شده است

✅Getting Close to Allah In Becoming Similar to Imam Mahdi(A.S

Messages of Holy Ramadan

✅Getting Close to Allah In Becoming Similar to Imam Mahdi(A.S)
(through the grace of Fetr Eid prayer)

Lord You ordered us to fast by the fast of Imam Mahdi(A.S.), to worship by his worship, and to be awake and put the Holy Quran over our head at Qhadr night by his awakening and revealing Quran to his heart, so that we get similar to him at this holy feast(Ramadan). And at the Fetr Eid prayer in so many times at Qonuot(taking up our hands ask for something from Allah), you granted us the opportunity to ask you to becoming similar to Imam Mahdi(A.S.): - As they (Prophet Mohammad and his ahlol-bait PBUH) asked you the best you entered them at the best - And as they took refuge to you from all the evil you took them out of all the evil. The secret of all those graces is asking from Allah with cognition.

So, we ask you too, to enter us to the best through all the best they asked you to get entered in. and we take refuge to get us out of all the evil they took refuge from them and you got them out of it. Even at the end of Allah’s Feast, you gave us the grace of taking off our hearth from the beach of our selfishness and to Passover to the sea of the hearth of Imam Mahdi(A.S.) which all is Allah’s Names(Allah’s signs), and you finally fulfilled us (by our paying attention to Allah’s Names, so that we perhaps get close to you and reach your Lega(visage), inshallah.


The grace of Fetr Eid Prayer

Messages of Holy Ramadan

Getting Close to Allah In Becoming Similar to Imam Mahdi(A.S)


(through the grace of Fetr Eid prayer)


Lord You ordered us to fast by the fast of Imam Mahdi(A.S.), to worship by his worship, and to be awake and put the Holy Quran over our head at Qhadr night by his awakening and revealing Quran to his heart, so that we get similar to him at this holy feast(Ramadan). And at the Fetr Eid prayer in so many times at Qonuot(taking up our hands ask for something from Allah), you granted us the opportunity to ask you to becoming similar to Imam Mahdi(A.S.): - As they (Prophet Mohammad and his ahlol-bait PBUH) asked you the best you entered them at the best - And as they took refuge to you from all the evil you took them out of all the evil. The secret of all those graces is asking from Allah with cognition.


So, we ask you too, to enter us to the best through all the best they asked you to get entered in. and we take refuge to get us out of all the evil they took refuge from them and you got them out of it. Even at the end of Allah’s Feast, you gave us the grace of taking off our hearth from the beach of our selfishness and to Passover to the sea of the hearth of Imam Mahdi(A.S.) which all is Allah’s Names(Allah’s signs), and you finally fulfilled us (by our paying attention to Allah’s Names, so that we perhaps get close to you and reach your Lega(visage), inshallah.


Message No. 1 of Holy Ramadan: Allah's Feast

Messages of Holy Ramadan International Prepration Of Arbeen Mobaleghin

Message No. 1  of Holy Ramadan:

In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate

Allah's Feast: Ramadan

 What Feast is it?

Allah has set up a feast for the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), his descendants (A.S.), and particularly for the contemporary perfect man, Imam Mahdi (AJ)

With the best hospitality, the divinie blessing, which is descending Holy Quran.

Piecemeal descent since the beginning of holy Ramadan and all-in-once descent in Qadr night:

 شَهْرُ رَمَضٰانَ اَلَّذِي أُنْزِلَ فِيهِ اَلْقُرْآنُ هُدىً لِلنّٰاسِ وَ بَيِّنٰاتٍ مِنَ اَلْهُدىٰ وَ اَلْفُرْقٰانِ َ﴿۱۸۵

 Ramezān is the month in which Was revealed the Holy Qur'ān, Which is a Guidance for mankind and Which bears Clear proofs and Explanations for the Guidance and Which stands as Forqān, [i.e., a Criterion between Truth and Falsehood] (Baqara:185)

 إِنّٰا أَنْزَلْنٰاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ اَلْقَدْرِ  ﴿۱

 Verily, We sent down the Holy Qur'ān In the Night of Qadr.  (Qadr:2)

نَزَلَ بِهِ اَلرُّوحُ اَلْأَمِينُ  ﴿۱۹۳

 By the Trusted Spirit  has been Brought down, (Al-shu'ara:193)

And people will take the best of holy Quran and what it has inside, i.e, Imam Mahdi  AJ(who is the host himself)  in this month

But the prerequisite for achieving true blessings of this divine feast is that one should get apart from all who is one the earth just like what birds do when they fly (first, by fasting, staying-ups, and avoiding what is banned) and then ascend to this holy feast.

note: If we want to take steps for the global manifestation of the divine feast, we should not get our heart apart from Imam Mahdi(AJ), not even for a second and this should be accompanied by awareness and celerity.
