Sunday, 22 December 2024، 06:58 AM

۴۲ مطلب با موضوع «Ahead to the Arrival» ثبت شده است

Message No. 33 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival


Message No.33 Ahead to the Arrival:

In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate

From hello to the arrival

( سَلَامٌ هِیَ حَتَّىٰ مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْر )

Standing in front of Velaya door & curtsy after 40 days...a message sent to  anticipants to day ( #Arbaeen_ziyarah ) a short lesson of it.

السَّلامُ عَلَى وَلِیِّ اللَّهِ وَ حَبِیبِهِ السَّلامُ عَلَى خَلِیلِ اللَّهِ وَ نَجِیبِهِ السَّلام ُ . . .

First ask for permission to the velaya area by saying 5 times hello.

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّی أَشْهَدُ أَنَّهُ وَلِیُّکَ ...

 In this new area enter the world insight & visit the real leader "Valiyollah " by  acknowledging lmam.

وَ قَدْ تَوَازَرَ عَلَیْهِ مَنْ غَرَّتْهُ الدُّنْیَا وَ بَاعَ حَظَّهُ بِالْأَرْذَلِ الْأَدْنَى ...

Knowing the velaya's enemy by their characteristics ( world loving, selling the next world, tyranny, following concision & etc....) & will be lucky to be save of those characters ...

فَجَاهَدَهُمْ فِیکَ صَابِرا مُحْتَسِبا حَتَّى سُفِکَ فِی طَاعَتِکَ دَمُه ...

& will know that there is no way out to lunch the religion flag except fighting "Jihad" & martyrdom "Shahada" ; because the best God's people did like that.

بِأَبِی أَنْتَ وَ أُمِّی یَا ابْنَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ...

So will have this opportunity to present our worthless life to the way of velayah.

وَ قَلْبِی لِقَلْبِکُمْ سِلْمٌ وَ أَمْرِی لِأَمْرِکُمْ مُتَّبِعٌ وَ نُصْرَتِی لَکُمْ مُعَدَّةٌ حَتَّى یَأْذَنَ اللَّهُ لَکُمْ ...

By this opportunities will have chance to get ready for the real arrival of Velayah (Imam Mahdi AJ) by heart, actions, abilities...

فَمَعَکُمْ مَعَکُمْ لا مَعَ عَدُوِّکُمْ صَلَوَاتُ اللَّهِ عَلَیْکُمْ وَ . . . وَ شَاهِدِکُمْ وَ غَائِبِکُمْ وَ ...

& at last we promlss again to  velayah in faith & action: from Amir almomenin (A) to Imama Mahdi(AJ)

" سَلَامٌ هِیَ حَتَّىٰ مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْر "

So does Arbaeen has any other message than that?!

Message No. 32 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message No. 32 Ahead to the Arrival :
 In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate
 Imam Hossain(A.S.) and Arbain Walking: The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWA): "Surely there exists in the hearts of the believers, with respect to the martyrdom of Hussain (AS), a heat that never subsides." (Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, vol. 10, pg. 318) Imam Hussain (A.S.) is The Arc and a light which has gathered the hearts of millions of Shias of the world He is a love which his name, his holy shrine, his memory, his mourning remembrance, crying for tragedy, and even his sacred dust awakens the dead hearts and guides them to the real Islam and to the light of God. The love for Imam Hussain does not require age, boundaries and any nationalities. Hussain is a memory that everyone calls him by his mother-tongue with love. The appearance of this mutual love for Imam Hussain (A.S.) shall take place in Arbaeen of Imam Hussain (A.S.), in the light city of Karbala.
 Arbaeen is the best ceremony of the Shias, all of those who try to travel to Karbala and gather around the shrine of their master and molla in order to re-new their allegiance with Imam Hussain(A.S.) If your Arbaeen Walking trip is confirmed, please inform our Network so that we can make required arrangements with you as a walking In telegram: @golhayearbain

Message No. 31 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message No. 31 Ahead to the Arrival :
 In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate
 Labaik Ya Hussain, Labaik Ya Mahdi. "And say, 'the truth has come, and falsehood has vanished; surely falsehood is a thing to vanish!" (The Holy Quran, Al-Asra: 81) Imam Hussain(AS) left the pilgrimage (Haj) to show the world that the moving toward Karbala (hardship and trial) in order to annihilate falsehood has started. And surely all falsehood will vanish with the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (AJ), inshallah. This journey of Truth (Haj) toward Karbala was the introduction to the Arrival. And the sieving of Shias for the Arrival has begun from the Night of Ashura. As Imam Sadeqh (A.S.) said: “How will you be when you are without any leading Imam and guide? Some of you will detach yourself from others. At that time you will be separated from each other as in a sieve, and at that time: The first stage: “to mayyazoon” (you will be separated); the bad and good will be separated from each other. The second stage: “tomahhasoon: (you will be refined); like refining of mine stone, like gold which first is melted and then some substance is added to it so that its impurities are separated. The third stage: “togharbaloon” (you will be shaken in a sieve); like sieving of grain when weak and bitter grains don’t stay in the sieve Our relief (the time of Imam Mahdi’s Arrival) will not come until you are sieved and sieved and sieved, until God Almighty separates the impure from the pure.” (Kulayni, Usul Kafi, vol. 1, p. 370 and vol. 8, p. 67) The helpers of Imam Mahdi (AJ) are those pure ones who have truthfully stood firm and steadfast with the Velaya of the holy Imams, and in their absence, with the Velayat-e-Faqih. In fact, they are following Imam Mahdi(AJ). They are preparing the basis for the Arrival.
 With the coming of Muharram month, we must also throw away our impurities, and successfully pass all the exams and be purified for the Arrival of Imam Mahdi(AJ), inshaAllah.

Message No. 30 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message No.30 Ahead To The arrival :
 In the name of God the merciful the compassionate
 Ghadir And The Power In last farewell in Haj , (Hajatolveda) , after sacrifice , Jamarat stoning and finishing Haj pilgrims, the Prophet (PBUH) stopped in Ghadir khom ,to show the power of Islam and the Velayah to the world and it became the biggest eve for the Shias. In last farewell of Imam Hosain(A.S.) he moved toward Karbala ,his own sacrifice place and showed the power of Ghadir in his shamble with thirst. This year in Ghorban eve (Sacrifice eve) Hujaj were sacrificed in thirst, instead of giving the sacrifice and this was their last farewell. Oh yes, in this year's Ghadir , especially after all of those Hujaj were sacrificed in Mena disaster , the power of Islam should be showed to the world. Thanks God, in the dawn of Ghadir eve, the Moslems’ Suprime leader Sayed Ali Khamenei (Iranian Islamic revolutionary leader) offered this power to the world.
 Phrases of Imam Khamenei 's speach : We're able to react , if we're going to react ,that would be tough. As Imam khomanei said: The house of Kaabe ,that you call yourself, the servant to it, You ,double cross, are the devil's servant ,pack up and leave. Oh God, due to Imam's Hosain's (A.S.) blood and all the Islam's martyrs , and to the thousands of Hujaj who were killed in Mena , we swere you to offer the power of Velayah of his son (the khaybar victorious) by his Arrival, inshallah.

Message No. 29 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message No. 29 Ahead to the Arrival :
 In the Name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate 
Ghadir and Imam Mahdi (AJ) "من کنت مولاه فهذا علی مولاه" Whoever prophet has Welayat over them, Ali has Welayat over. So take care: Who has a true Welayat over us? Who has Welayat over our inner and outer aspects? Who has Welayat over our heart, thought, speech, behaviour, deeds, and decision making? You are only a warner, and for every people is a guide. (Sura 13, Verse 7) إِنَّما أَنْتَ مُنْذِرٌ وَ لِکُلِّ قَوْمٍ هادٍ So let's try to adjust our behaviour, inner and outer aspects with perceiving his Arrival and being under his Welayat. Lest: Consciously or unconsciously lust, illusion, and anger have Welayat over us. Warning: Those who did not accept Welayat made Imam Ali (A.S.) to stay at home for 25 years, how long have we (let’s say) Welayees(who accept Welayat), made our Imam Asr (Imam of the Age)to stay at home?

Message No. 28 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message No. 28 Ahead to the Arrival : 
In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate
 Who are Ansar Al-Mahdi? (Helpers of Imam Mahdi AJ) Oh, my God: Put me one of Imam Mahdi(AJ)’s helpers , supporters, the defenders …, those who hasten to varry out his instructions, of his assistants, his Abdals, his pegs, and his devotees(a part of Ahd Doa)…………. Stages of Preparing Helpers of Imam Mahdi (as Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: “How will you be when you are without any leading Imam and guide? Some of you will detach yourself from others. At that time you will be separated from each other as in a sieve, and at that time: The first stage: “to mayyazoon” (you will be separated); the bad and good will be separated from each other. The second stage: “tomahhasoon: (you will be refined); like refining of mine stone, like gold which first is melted and then some substance is added to it so that its impurities are separated. The third stage: “togharbaloon” (you will be shaken in a sieve); like sieving of grain when weak and bitter grains don’t stay in the sieve Our relief (the time of Imam Mahdi’s Arrival) will not come until you are sieved and sieved and sieved, until God Almighty separates the impure from the pure.” (Kulayni, Usul Kafi, vol. 1, p. 370 and vol. 8, p. 67) The defenders …:” All their capabilities and actions must be at the service of defending Imam Mahdi (AJ) and theWilayah Faqih during the occultation of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) is the continuation of the Wilayah of the infallibles;[ meaning that during the absence of an infallible Imam, the responsibility of administrating and managing the affairs of the Islamic society should be carried out by the jurists](1). , not defending themselves and their own deeds and words. All their capacities along with pure faith and belief, good deeds and words, sound writing, knowledge, wealth, time, tongue and … should be spent on the way of defending Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and his companions.
 Those Who Hasten to Carry Out Imam Mahdi (A.S.)’s Instructions “…:These are people who have put aside their personal concerns and are only concerned with their beloved Imam’s requests and orders. Their speed is a sign of their eagerness and enthusiasm to comply with their Imam’s instructions. And this eagerness is revealed in their midnight prayers.
 The Assisstants of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) The abiders of his orders: If we consider our own desires or protest about His orders, we would be deprived of the attainment of abiding Imam’s orders. We would receive the rest of Imam Mahdi’s orders through inspirations, which is a divine mercy; and by obeying His orders, we must abide them as much as we can. The “Abdals” of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) (His supporters): are His privileged, high-ranked, righteous fellowships, and His servants, scapegoat, and supporters. In fact, Allah banishes the disasters away from mankind by these holy entities. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): Apprehend that “Abdal” (Imam Mahdi’s supporters) have not achieved this eminence by praying, fasting or alms. He was asked: So how have they reached this prominence? By bounty, generosity and benevolence, he responded. (Al-Tabarani, Vol. 1, p. 224) Pegs of Imam Mahdi (AS) (Those who compete with each other to fulfill his intention) : In a part of the "tradition of Ascension" Almighty God says to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) : "O Ahmad! Do you know why I choosed you over the other prophets? »grand prophet of Islam says : I swear to God, no. And the Lord says: "For [type of] creation, good natured, generous and kindness to people. And Otad, pegs of earth are like this and only the people who have these attributes can be among them . Devotees of Imam Mahdi(A.S.): They also as real lovers like butterflies orbit around his shiny candle of Imam Mahdi.They burn and dedicate their existence to him. . Allah purchases his/her soul because that martyr become a witness of his/her satisfaction so he makes his slaves satisfied this way. ___________________ (1) Imam Mahdi (A.S.): “As for the issues that come up [political, devotional, economic, military, cultural, social, and other issues], refer to the narrators of our hadiths, for they are my hujjat(reason) upon you, and I am the hujjat(reason) of Allah upon you [during the major occultation].” (Bihar ul-Anwar, vol.2, p.90).

Message No. 27 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 27 Ahead to the Arrival :

 In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate 

He will come And construct the ship under Our observation and Our inspiration and do not address Me concerning those who have wronged; indeed, they are [to be] drowned."(Hud: 37) واصْنَعِ الْفُلْکَ بِأَعْیُنِنَا وَوَحْیِنَا وَلاَ تُخَاطِبْنِی فِی الَّذِینَ ظَلَمُواْ إِنَّهُم مُّغْرَقُونَ ﴿۳۷﴾ All you Ansar Al-Mahdi should be sure that he is preparing his rescue ship, too. Even though many may not believe it and they might laugh to it. And [Noah] said, "Embark therein; in the name of Allah is its course and its anchorage. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving and Merciful."(Hud: 41) وقَالَ ارْکَبُواْ فِیهَا بِسْمِ اللّهِ مَجْرَاهَا وَمُرْسَاهَا إِنَّ رَبِّی لَغَفُورٌ رَّحِیمٌ ﴿هود: 41﴾ And soon Imam Mahdi(AJ) calls for his supporters(Ansars) and gathers them and will start his Rising inshallah. And it sailed with them through waves like mountains, and Noah called to his son who was apart [from them], "O my son, come aboard with us and be not with the disbelievers."(Hud: 42) وهِیَ تَجْرِی بِهِمْ فِی مَوْجٍ کَالْجِبَالِ وَنَادَى نُوحٌ ابْنَهُ وَکَانَ فِی مَعْزِلٍ یَا بُنَیَّ ارْکَب مَّعَنَا وَلاَ تَکُن مَّعَ الْکَافِرِینَ ﴿هود: 42) And as soon as even you could think about it, Imam's ship would go ahead through all this period's great events, too, inshallah. All of his Ansars have prepared themselves from so many aspects and are waiting for his Arrival all day and nights. And they don't do anything except seeking the countenance of Allah(Baghareh: 272) الا ابتغاء وجه الله(بقره، 272) Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah . Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration -(Ahzab: 23) منَ الْمُؤْمِنِینَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَیْهِ فَمِنْهُم مَّن قَضَى نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُم مَّن یَنتَظِرُ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِیلًا (احزاب: 23) اَللّهُمَّ عَجِّل لِوَلیِّکَ الفَرَج

Message No. 26 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Massage no.26 Ahead to the Arrival :

 In the name of Allah the Merciful and the Compassionate 

Knowing the Truth of Ourselves (4th section) فَمَنْ ثَقُلَتْ مَوازِینُهُ فَأُولئِکَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ . وَ مَنْ خَفَّتْ مَوازِینُهُ فَأُولئِکَ الَّذِینَ خَسِرُوا أَنْفُسَهُمْ فِی جَهَنَّمَ خالِدُونَ (102-103: Momenoon) Then as for him whose good deeds are preponderant ,those are the successful & as for him whose good deeds are light, these are they who shall have lost their souls,abiding in hell. In book Atibol-Bayan (volum 5, p 270), Imam Sadegh(A) narrated : نحن الموازین (We are the scale) The one who accepted the Divine leadership (Velaya and Imamate), goes for its circut and does all his effort for the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (AJ) and his good deeds will gradually get better; but those whose deeds are light and valueless (due to being away from the Imam Imam) have damaged themselves because human's personality reach God 's recognition and become successful through supporting the Imam. 

What does Vilayah-centered mean? Whatever a person does is to support and give service to the Imam of his age. Oh yes, by paying attention to this announcement of the Holy Quran :ان الحسنات یذهبن السییات ،if one takes step to support the Imam for his Arrival, he has done good deeds that clears his and others' bad behaviors, insha Allah .

Message No. 25 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 25 Ahead to the Arrival:

 In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate

 Knowing the Truth of Ourseleves (Third Section) We all have a spiritual journey on the way, we have to rely on our God to pass it successfully. In addition, we have to do our best for the Arrival of Imam Mahdi(A.S.), God willing. Steps of this journey: 

1. Passing our bodies: (passing from our dependence to the natural and material world) (الهی هب لی کمال الانقطاع الیک). (O my god,(please) grant me absolute devotion to you) Open this cage & tear this trap off my foot... tear the chains to face You my love.

 2- To go further than our souls: - ( و انر ابصار قلوبنا بضیاء نظرها الیک) (And illuminate the sights of our hearts with the light of observing you.) Tear off the curtains between us So I see your lovely face. 

3 - To achieve our reality(Nafs): (حتی تخرق ابصار القلوب حجب النور) ( So that the sights of our hearts penetrate the screens(cover) of light.) It's impossible to see you through this cover Take this cover away of your flowery face... 

4 - Annihilation in God(s): ( فتصل الی معدن العظمه) (So connect us to the source of magnificence...) Tell to all those important ones to accept us, madly in love, to support us.

 5 - Survival to God(s): (و تصیر ارواحنا معلقه بعز قدسک) (And that our souls hang to the majesty of your holiness) If you wish The Lover not to lose link of vows keep the rope not to be torn , Source : Shabaniye Prayers & some of Imam Khomeyni 's poems.

Message No. 24 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 24 Ahead to the Arrival :

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful and the Compassionate

 Knowing the Truth of Ourselves (Second Section) The Secret of Fatemeh (A.S.) How and Why did prophets become prophet, Imams become Imam, great servants of Allah become great servants of Allah, and especially Fatemeh has become Fatemeh? First of all, it is because of her being Shia. She was a Shia -a true follower- of the holy Prophet (PBUH) and Ali (A.S.); and in the second place, it was because of her midnight prayings, her closeness to God and her pure heart. “And verily of his Shia(Ali’s follower) was Abraham; When he (Abraham) came to his Lord with a pure heart” (the Holy Quran, 37: 84) If your heart becomes pure like the heart of Abraham and truly follows Allah, then you are a true Shia. He was like that and got close to God with a pure heart and as a true follower of God’s commands. (Tafsir al-Borhan, Commentary of the above mentioned verse, 6th Vol., Page 219, Hekmat 2) God created us to be mirrors of His Divine Attributes. This can be achieved by knowing oneself. 

So we - the Shia of Ali(A.S.) - must ask Allah Almighty with a pure heart and with the mediation of Ahlul-Bayt(A.S.) to give us that true understanding and knowledge of ourselves From Imam Komeini's poems: Tell Him: kindly have a little look at us, have a little talk to your sore truehearted We are lovers and burned of your absence fire Throw water with foam to please your lover