Friday, 14 March 2025، 12:24 AM

۴ مطلب با موضوع «A public movement» ثبت شده است

✅An invitation to the Arbaeen's wayfarers from the International Network of Arbaeen Mobaleghin(preachers), to:

A public movement

An invitation to the Arbaeen's wayfarers from the International Network of Arbaeen Mobaleghin(preachers), to:


📣 3 days Congress at Najaf University:

Address:  Thura tul_Eshrin, the beginning of Kufa road, Jamia tul_Islamia

🔴A conference  for foreign and domestic elite and university lecturers; the international 

congress, "From the pledge with  Hussain(as) to  meeting with him", 

(Nov. 4_6, 2017/ from 9 am to 9 pm)

📣 On the  November4,  it is just for ladies  from different countries

👈🏼 4  Great Exhibition days in Karbala:

Address: Helle Road, 3 km to Karbala, opposite Karbala community, next to Medina Al-Zaerin, Mukhab Institute of Ashab Al-Hussein (as),  (Nov.7_10, 2017/ from 10 am to 10 pm).

✅ Organizers:

The Institute for Strategic and Cultural Studies of Ashab Al-Hussein (as), with the participation of the Holy Mosque of Kufa, Jamia tul_ Islamia   and some other scientific, cultural and artistic centers.

✅Please inform others.


Who should pray for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi(aj)?

A public movement


In the name of God,  The merciful. The compassionate

Who should pray for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi aj

A public movement

أ لَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَنْ تَخْشَعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ اللَّه‏ (حدید16)

Isn't the time that believers humble their hearts to pay attention to Allah?

Forty days of sincerely praying for the Arrival of Imam Mahdi(aj):

Imam Sadegh (as) :

When there was long time of torturing and hardship on Bani Israeel( Jewish people), they cried and mourned forty days to God,

God revealed to Moses and his brother Harun (as) and said:

To save them from Pharoahs  while from 400 years of their torturing, 170 years was left yet,  and God ignored those years because of Bani lsraeel's cries and mournings....then Imam Sadegh (as) said: If you Shias do such them , God would certainly send Faraj(opening and victory)  and if you don't do it, the Faraj(the reappearance of Imam Mahdi aj)  would reach to its  end.

(Tafsire Ayashi b.2 p.155)


Imam Mahdi (aj) said about it:

Pray alot for my reappearance because praying for my Faraj  is the Faraj(opening and victoty) for yourself.

(Kamaledin b.2 p.485)


Regarding to forty days of praying as Imam Sadegh (as)said  and the word of "alot"  in the hadith of Imam Mahdi(aj), we decided to pray during Hazrat Zahra's (S) mourning days and with her help and any language in any place that we are for forty days. So that up to our groaning and mournings in these forty days, Allah   ignores the rest of his disappearance.

End of these  forty days  is the birthday of his honorable mother, Hazrate Zahra (S) which would be a very good news for prayers.

It would be effective for everyone who joins this group in any of its days, insha'Allah


اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج



A public movement

A public movement

A public movement


(Join us and publish it so soon, please)

A 40 days of  groaning and lamentation for Fatima's Mahdi's (aj) reappearance:

(according to the comment of Imam Sadigh (as):


From  today, the day  of Feb 11th up to  Mrch 19th. (The night of his mother's birthday Hazrate Zahra (S). with the beginning of new year, we would reach his Arrival. Insha'Allah.

A daily agreement: a turn of rosary(100 times)  or more, pray for his Arrival. Insha'Allah.



At Dawn

A public movement

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate the Merciful

At Dawn


We should manage and organize ourselves before managing and organizing the others for the Arrival of Imam Mahdi(aj), Inshaallah.


Effects and blessings of awakening at dawn:

The distance between dawn and  sun rise is about one and half hour. This time has been called  heaven's hour in hadithes  which has mentioned so many blessings and effects for it.  if a man wants to get such these benefits,  to catch world's  prosperity and happiness and to get  free of adversity, he should be awake during this heaven time because the angles are dividing daily bread(physically and spiritually)  and if you sleep you would lose everything.


Traditions have said: 👉Don't sleep late at night so that you could  be able to get up early in the morning and get the most effects and blessings during these hours.

(Man la yahzorolfaghih b.4 p.20)


Imam Sajad (as) was so strong in early morning awakening. He spent  this time only for Allah  and didn't  talk to any one at that time. (Beharol anvar b.46 p.191 t.57 from asavaed).


There is a saying from Amir Almomenin, Imam Ali(as):

One who recites Surreh  Tohid eleven times after the morning prayers, he will not  do any sins during that day, however Satan will become dispised (that means however Satan tries to astray that person, can't take him towards sins)

(Savabol aamal and eghabol aamal p.277)

(to be continued)

