Sunday, 9 March 2025، 05:39 AM

۸۸ مطلب در نوامبر ۲۰۱۵ ثبت شده است

Message No. 33 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival


Message No.33 Ahead to the Arrival:

In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate

From hello to the arrival

( سَلَامٌ هِیَ حَتَّىٰ مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْر )

Standing in front of Velaya door & curtsy after 40 days...a message sent to  anticipants to day ( #Arbaeen_ziyarah ) a short lesson of it.

السَّلامُ عَلَى وَلِیِّ اللَّهِ وَ حَبِیبِهِ السَّلامُ عَلَى خَلِیلِ اللَّهِ وَ نَجِیبِهِ السَّلام ُ . . .

First ask for permission to the velaya area by saying 5 times hello.

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّی أَشْهَدُ أَنَّهُ وَلِیُّکَ ...

 In this new area enter the world insight & visit the real leader "Valiyollah " by  acknowledging lmam.

وَ قَدْ تَوَازَرَ عَلَیْهِ مَنْ غَرَّتْهُ الدُّنْیَا وَ بَاعَ حَظَّهُ بِالْأَرْذَلِ الْأَدْنَى ...

Knowing the velaya's enemy by their characteristics ( world loving, selling the next world, tyranny, following concision & etc....) & will be lucky to be save of those characters ...

فَجَاهَدَهُمْ فِیکَ صَابِرا مُحْتَسِبا حَتَّى سُفِکَ فِی طَاعَتِکَ دَمُه ...

& will know that there is no way out to lunch the religion flag except fighting "Jihad" & martyrdom "Shahada" ; because the best God's people did like that.

بِأَبِی أَنْتَ وَ أُمِّی یَا ابْنَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ...

So will have this opportunity to present our worthless life to the way of velayah.

وَ قَلْبِی لِقَلْبِکُمْ سِلْمٌ وَ أَمْرِی لِأَمْرِکُمْ مُتَّبِعٌ وَ نُصْرَتِی لَکُمْ مُعَدَّةٌ حَتَّى یَأْذَنَ اللَّهُ لَکُمْ ...

By this opportunities will have chance to get ready for the real arrival of Velayah (Imam Mahdi AJ) by heart, actions, abilities...

فَمَعَکُمْ مَعَکُمْ لا مَعَ عَدُوِّکُمْ صَلَوَاتُ اللَّهِ عَلَیْکُمْ وَ . . . وَ شَاهِدِکُمْ وَ غَائِبِکُمْ وَ ...

& at last we promlss again to  velayah in faith & action: from Amir almomenin (A) to Imama Mahdi(AJ)

" سَلَامٌ هِیَ حَتَّىٰ مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْر "

So does Arbaeen has any other message than that?!

Message No. 6 Ansar Almahdi

Ansar Almahdi

Message Number 6 Ansar Almahdi: 

Our duties as making the situation ready for Imam Mahdi's Arrival (with respect to the imminent symptoms of his Arrival): Calling the Muslims of the world for unity and informing the people of the world about the oppression and legitimacy of Al-e Muhammad (PBUH) specially the oppression of Imam Hussain (AS) and his real followers (Shiites). Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.(surah Al-imran:104) One of the re-appearence signs of the 12th Imam is the murder of a pure Nafs(Nafs Zakiyya). 

As the appearance of the one named Sofyani, Nafs Zakiyya will go to Medina. he calls the Muslims of the world for unity. As the followers of Sofyani arrive to Medina, he goes to Mecca to inform the people of the world about the oppression and legitimacy of Al-e Muhammad.(Kefayat Almovahhedin.192) All of us should not only call the Muslims of the world for unity but also inform the people of the world about the oppression and legitimacy of Al-e Muhammad specially the oppression of Imam Hussain and his real followers. In this regard Imam Hussain said: I swear to God that my blood doesn't stop bubbling until God reappears Imam Mahdi to revenge for my blood from seventy thousands of dissenters and lechers(Mousooe Kalamat Imam Hussain.371)

Message No. 5 Ansar Almahdi

Ansar Almahdi

Message Number 5 Ansar Almahdi:

In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate

Duties of those aspiring to prepare the path for the appearance of Imam Mahdi (a.j.) (With regards to the certain signs of His appearance) -Dua (prayer), and jihad for the realization of God's promise, and the destruction of the enemies of Islam. The importance of dua (especially praying to God in a humble and emotional manner) and jihad: Imam Sadigh (PBUH): "And when the agonies of the children of Israel was prolonged, they started wailing and crying, they cried for forty days and nights. Allah Almighty inspired Moses and Aaron that He would rescue them from the torments of Pharaoh, and thus he removed one hundred and seventy years of affliction." The narrator of this account then reported that Imam Sadigh continued saying: "This will also hold true for you, if you pray and cry, Allah Almighty shall relieve complications, but if you don't, catastrophe shall reach its climax." (Translation of Tafsir al Mizan, vol. 10, p. 494)(and its better to do it at midnight too) Be like Ali ( PBUH ), a man of prayer and supplication at night, and the lion of the battlefield during the day. 

Characteristics of Ansar al Mahdi (Ansar al Hagh): Imam Ali (PBUH ) : " You are supporters of Truth and brothers in religion. At times of war you are like shields guarding each other. (Emphasis on unity among believers ) You are my keepers of secret, not the secret keepers of others. (Emphasis on keeping vital secrets for the sake of Islam) With your strength I shall defeat those who turn away.(Emphasis on the increase in strength and warfare abilities) And I have hope of submission from those who turn to us. (Emphasis on enjoining good and forbidding wrong) Therefore, extend to me support which is free from deceit and pure from doubt, because, by Allah, I am the most preferable of all for the people." )Nahjulballaghe, Sermon 117)

Message No. 4 Ansar Almahdi

Ansar Almahdi

Message Number 4 Ansar Al-Mahdi: 

The duties of Imam Mahdi's reappearance waiters (concerning imminent (reappearance signs) c) We as Shia Muslim should introduce rightness of Shia religion to the world (Ali and his followers are right). First of all we should ask God to give us clear insight to know the meaning of Ali is right and the rightness is with Ali, then we can introduce it to world inshallah(God willing). According to Rasul Allah the criterion of rightness is Amir al-Mu'minin. عَلِیٌّ مَعَ الْحَقِّ وَ الْحَقُّ مَعَ عَلِیٍّ یَدُورُ حَیْثُمَا دَارَ If you search truth, you should follow Ali and see what is he doing and where is he addressing. Ali s life is equal to rightness (Imam Khamenei s speech in Imam Ali s birthday to the people of Bushehr). 

We should invite people to study Nahjolbalaghe which anyone is familiar with this book will know the rightness of Imam Ali's speech and way and by it can find insight and giving knowledge. Beware! Satan has collected his group and assembled his horse-men and foot-soldiers. Surely, with me is my sagacity. I have neither deceived myself nor ever been deceived. By Allah I shall fill to the brim for them a cistern from which I alone would draw water. They can neither turn away from it nor return to it. (Nahjolbalaghe sermon10 )

Message No. 3 Ansar Almahdi

Ansar Almahdi

Message Number 3 Ansar Almahdi: 

The duties of Imam Mahdi s reappearance waiters (concerning imminent reappearance signs) B. Knowing real enemies and introduce them to the world (Islam, Shia and justice enemy). Amir al-mu'minin said to one of his followers:” By Allah, I shall not be like the badger, that feigns sleep on continuous (sound of) stone-throwing till he who is in search of it finds it or he who is on the lookout for it overpowers it” (Sermon 6) .Imam Ali wrote his instrument (of appointment) to Malik ibn al-Harith al-Ashtar:” Do not reject peace to which your enemy may call you and wherein there is the pleasure of Allah, because peace brings rest to your army and relief from your worries and safety for your country. But after peace there is great apprehension from the enemy because often the enemy offers peace to benefit by your negligence. Therefore, be cautious and do not act by wishfulness in this matter” (lettre53). *It means that wishfulness to enemy is an enemy too. Sometimes our behaviors, consciously or unconsciously are influenced by our enemy. We shouldn’t act as our enemies want and according to their rules. *There are various wars in different eras. Sometimes the enemy combats with sword, harpoon, gun and tank (Hardwar) and sometimes with movies, networks and computer games (soft war).Each of wars needs their own especial warriors. *We live in an era in which enemies are wiser than to combat just with weapons and they use Soft war in order to destruct Islamic civilization and establish their ideal civilization (western civilizations).today, enemy traverses our borders and enters in Islamic cities and houses. Unfortunately, not only sometimes there are not any warriors but also enemy captures them with the tricks and deceptions. Enemy occupies every Muslims’ house by mobile, satellite, networks, computer games, toys, movies, magazines, newspapers, books, meetings and seminars. We hope a day will come in which the enemies of Islam will disappear and this day annunciated by God

Message No. 2 Ansar Almahdi

Ansar Almahdi

Message Number 2 Ansar Almahdi: 

Our duties as making the situation ready for Imam Mahdi's Arrival (with respect to the imminent symptoms of his Arrival) A) A movement toward propelling Shias to refinement of the soul and obedience of a unit leadership ( Velayat-e faqih). Imam Mahdi soldiers! We should reinforce refinement of the soul and obedience of unit leadership in ourselves (with intercession, accuracy and enthusiasm) and we must not forget commanding others to right and forbidding them wrong (Inshallah (God willing)). How can we do commanding to good and forbidding evil? First of all before doing this divine precept we should consider some items: 

1. Perhaps wrongdoers pretend to sleep. 

2. Violence and obligation cause disgust. Can we compel you to accept it when you hate it? ( HUD28).This verse indicate us commanding to right and forbidding wrong should started with some questions ,because the majority of the people hate preaching, but if they faces some respectable questions will think about it. 

3. Don’t excommunicate the believers. .” nor will I drive away the believers,” (HUD29) 

4. Consider them unwise not a foeman. “But, I can see that you are ignorant”. (HUD29) 

5. We should warn them for helping God’ s Vali (the successor ”khaliphe” which is Imam Mahdi at present).for example you can say God will be angry if you leave him alone. “And O my people, who would protect me from Allah if I drove them away? Then will you not be reminded?”(HUD30) 

6. We shouldn’t be selfish. .” I do not say to you that I possess the treasuries of Allah, and i do not know the unseen. I do not say i am an angel, “(HUD31) 

7. Don’t contempt anyone .”nor do i say to those whom you despise; Allah will not give them any good. Allah knows best what is in their hearts. Indeed, if this were so then I would be amongst the harm doers. “(HUD31) 

8. Ignorance and misdirection are God ‘s wrath that include some people. So you should just your duty. “You should do commanding to right and forbidding wrong just for God .if Allah desires to lead you astray. He is your lord, and to him you shall return. ‘(HUD34). 

9. Finally you should remind them divine punishment and mention them widespread divine mercy doesn’t prevent the punishment of the sinners. “If they belie you, say: 'your lord is the owner of all encompassing mercy, but his might cannot be withheld from the nation, the evildoers. ‘ (AL-ANNAM147) A word to all: If we leave commanding to right and forbidding wrong, we will be with sinners in divine punishment. “And fear a trial which will not strike those who have wronged among you exclusively, and know that Allah is severe in penalty.” (Al-anfal 25)

Message No. 1 Ansar Almahdi

Ansar Almahdi

Message Number 1 Ansar Almahdi:

Our duties as making the situation ready for Imam Mahdi's Arrival (with respect to the imminent symptoms of his Arrival) 

1. A movement to lead the Shiites toward self-purification and following the unit leadership (Supreme Leader) 

2. Knowing the enemies (Islam enemies and specially the Shiites') 

3. Explaining the legitimacy of Shiism to the world. (Ali Ibni Abitaleb is right and so are his followers) (الحق مع علی و شیعته) 

4. Praying and doing jihad to fulfill the promises of God and eliminate the enemies of Islam. 

5. Calling the Muslims of the world for unity and informing the people of the world about the oppression and legitimacy of Al-e Muhammad (PBUH) specially the oppression of Imam Hussain (AS) and his real followers (Shiites

The necessity of taking part in Hoseyni Arbaen walking



Imam Zaman (AJ) will be introduced by Imam Hoseyn's (A.S.) medium ,after his Arrival. So by that time Imam Hoseyn (A.S.) must be known by people from all criteria and walking in Arbaen is the best opportunity for this purpos. There is 1373 years which has passed from the time when first traveller ,Jaberibne Abdollahe Ansari visited the holey shrine of Aba Abdollah Alhoseyn (A.S.) in Arbaen from Aedina to Karbala.All these years many religious authoritis cared about visiting his holy shrine in Arbaen and were bare footed walking to Karbala from glorious Najaf ,no doubt  that Jaber ibne Abdollah is the first walker to holy Karbal in Arbaen at 61 year of Hijrah and  this nice ritual was done by purified leaders (A) in their time despit of blood sheding arrogant of Omavi and  Abasi  governers .

Walking in Arbaen tradition exist on Sheykh Ansari's time but who revived that after him?

There are some traditions that visiting Karbala with bare foot was common by the time of Sheykh Ansari (died in 1282 lunar) but some times it was forgotten and  was revived by "Sheykh Mirza Hasane Noori"This high ranking man measured to walk in Arbaen from Najaf to Karbala for the first time in Ghorban eve. And it took 3 days acompanying with 30 people of his folks and  friends.

After that "Mohadese Noori" decided to repeat that every year .About year 1319 was his last bare foot walking to Imam Hoseyn's (A.S.) holy shrine. The benefit of this action according to Imam Sadegh (A.S.) :

You might ask why this walking was strongly emphasised and  should be done with special enthusiasm and  excitment? According to Imam Sadegh(A.S.)  saying that approves the secret  aspects of this action ,one who walks bare footed to visit Imam Hoseyn (A.S.) God will gift him for each step and  clears one of his sins and  high ranks him ,2 angels will judge him to write what  he says and  erase his mistakes and evils, farewell him after his coming back and tell him : Oh,  you the guardian from God ! your sins were deleted , you are a member of God's ,his prophet and  his family's party now .swear to God ! You would never be in fire and  burn . (Kamelo ziyarat p 134)

Supreme leader's opinion :

Hazrate Ayatolah Khamenie,  the great leader points to the importance of honoring Arbaen day in Farvardin the 1th 1385:

"The start of Hoseyni's magnetic attraction is on Arbaen's day ,it takes Jaber Ibne Abdolah from Medina to Karbala .This is the same magnetic that stayed in our heart after many years .

Ayatolah Bahjat opinion :

He says :In traditions has said  that when Imam Mahdi(AJ)  arrives ,would call 5 tips to all people in the world :الا یا اهل العالم ان جدی الحسین قتلوه عطشانا ،الا یا اهل العالم ان جدی الحسین سحقوه عدوانا ،Imam Mahdi(AJ)  introduces himself by Imam Hoseyn (A.S.) to the all people around the world should know him but now there are many people still don't know him and  it's our fault ,because we didn't shout correctly to the world so they didn't hear it .walking in Arbaeen is the best time to introduce him to the world .Despit there was a time that visiting his holy shrine  was difficult ,their life were in danger but people were accepting all these dangers and  were going to kiss his foot by Arbaen.

Ten year of Hoseyni's excitments  of Iraqis/ Arbaen the biggest Shia's reunion in the world.

Surveys showed that autharities and  leader's  walking was continued up to the Sadam's time ,but the time he became Iraqi's president in 1358 (1400 lunar) and  his collapse  in 1381 (1424 lunar) glourios mourning and  walking in groups were stopped although there are some news of hidden walking during his presidency that s. Times led to martyrdom by Basi's army but Iraqis have proved their love another time to the world during 10 years of his collapse ,to perform this great ceremony with other Shias  and  fellows from Iran, Lebenan ,Pakistan, India, Qatar ,Emarat, Kuweit,  and Bahreyn. ....

The culture of Ashora :

The kind of uprisings and revolutions which are in the way of human excellence, aren't restricted to the time and meaningless about defeating. The ray of uprising of Imam Hussain(A.S.), against it's exterior failure at the month of Moharram in 61 ah, spread all of world. And from the tomorrow of Ashora, the sound of Ashoraian people rocked the palace of cruelty.

One of the calls that arised from the larynx of Imam Khomeini after 14 centuries, was the call of justice of Iranians at 15 of the month of Khordad in 1342, finally lead to the victory of Islamic revolution of Iran at the month of Bahman in 1357.

The morning ceremony:

The funerals of Imam Hussain(A.S.), in addition to keeping alive the named of martyrs of Karbala, lead to resuscitation of the culture of Ashora among these 14 centuries, and also more correlation and uprising of Shias.(the fact insisted by Western researchers.)

Nickerson said: "The tragedy  of Karbala lead to regret of Omavis, because it made Shias more united and became united for revengeing and reflected their call in everywhere specially Uraque and Iran."

Nike Azady write about the affect of funerals of Imam Hussain(A.S.) on Imam Khomeini's uprising:"the mourning ceremonies changed to the political Tribune for expression of social corruption and injustice and the necessity of uprising against the government."

Imam Khomeini said: “You should know that if you want to preserve your uprising,  you should preserve this tradition(funerals of Imam Hussain(A.S.) "

Resuscitation of spirit of martyrdom:

In the culture of Shia, martyrdom means immortality and the best way to get close  to God. This is a gift from Imam Hussain(A.S.) and from his blood  given to Shia, which taught the everlasting to human beings.  And because of resuscitation of spirit of martyrdom by Imam Khomeini's speeches and statements, Iranians became brave and fought against injustice until the victory of this revolution.

Introduction of void and disgracing feudist:

One of the cultural effects of the Ashora uprising was the introduction of void and disgracing feudist. As the same of Ashora which cleared the real face of Moavia's government for people, Imam Khomeini's speeches revealed the ugly face of the government of the kingdom. In fact the uprising of Ashora presented the light of guidance to Imam Khomeini to be able to know about Islam and rescue from incompetents.

Slogan and Commination:

In the Holly Quran it is expressed that: "No doubt! The curse of Allah is on the Zalimun(the oppressors)"

In many of Ziarats, specially Ziarat Ashora of Imam Hussain(A.S.), commination of ruthless means hatred of them, whom stand against the right.

Imam Khomeini:"The commination of ruthless about Ahlolbeyt is the all of our strong people's call ."against ruthless governors forever.”


Imam Hossain(A.S.) martyrdom awaken up Islamic groups from a very long and deep sleep


Imam Hossain(A.S.) martyrdom awaken up Islamic groups from a very long and deep sleep

 Horibne Yazide Riyahi was the one who had  an special character in a high position as a commander in chief and  became aware about Imam Hossain(A.S.) before his martyrdom ,also Yeydibn Gheyth  is another character who has Osmany style but was influenced by Imam's guidance  and  became one of his high rank martyr soldiers in Karbala. There were also many people who stayed away from Omare saad's troops and didn't involve the war with Imam (A.S.) but public awareness of Moslems after his martyrdom is important and  they found guts and  power to have insurrection against the despot. The important role of karbala's messenger should't be ignored in this alertness.

If Hazrete Zenab speech didn't happened in Sham trip , there was no memory of the martyrs king.

Not only his name was forgotten but also the worthy Islamic school was denied.

Another  poetry says:

Karbala's event was compeletly destroyd if Zeynab (s) wasn't there ,

The secrete of it stayed hidden for ever if she wasn't there...

In fact it was the smart manegment of Imam (A.S.) who took his family and had enough attention to Imam Sajad and Zeynab's (s) role .

It was their hot lectures  that ruined Bany Omaye's dynasty and  no one can find their generation so far.

Another sign of people's awareness of corruption in government was changing position in Yzid after lmam sajad (A.S.) preach in Sham.

O Arbain Ambassadors



O Arbain Ambassadors:

Now is the time to circulate the leader’s message with the aim of elaborating Islam through using original references specially Quran. This is an easy way for benefiting more from Quran. We all have to be at the scene and make webs in the country and wherever we live to explain and elaborate Islam and the mission of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Insha-Allah with the following motto: O the youth in the world who are searching for truth, ask your questions from Quran and get the complete and comprehend answers from this holy book.