Monday, 3 February 2025، 08:34 PM

Message No. 16 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 16 Ahead to the Arrival :

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

 Features of the “Ashuraian Propagandists” Those who had perished, Zeinab-like (A.S.), in Ashura and Karbala, would then make every endeavor to salvage the Ummah (Islamic nation) from ignorance, even if it leads to their death. “If my feathers shed in winter as a cause of the sorrow of my sweetheart, they would grow back again in spring, for reminiscing of uniting with my beloved.” (Of Imam Khomeini poems) They would first preserve themselves, Hossain-like, from every impurity of ignorance and barbarism, and they are discerned. 

Their Features: -They believe in Imam Hossain’s path (انی بکم مومن) -They are certain about his return, which is obvious in their religious laws and the consequences of their deeds (و بایابکم موقن بشرایع دینی و خواتیم عملی) -Their hearts are deferred to Imam’s (و قلبی لقلبکم سلم) -Their affairs are in compliance with Imam’s (و امری لامرکم متبع) -Their succor is toward Imam adjutancy (و نصرتی لکم معده حتی یاذن الله لکم) In general, they are thoroughly with Imams (with their souls and bodies, with their present and hidden, and with their outward and inward) and not with their enemies. (فمعکم لا مع عدوکم) (Ziarah-tol-Arbaeen of Imam Sadeq (PBUH)

Message No. 15 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 15 Ahead to the Arrival :

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful and the Compassionate

 Continuing Imam Hussain’s Path Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.) says to Allah in Ziarat Arbaeen of Imam Hussain (A.S.): “[Imam Hussain] sacrificed his soul for You to save Your servants from ignorance and perplexity of straying off.” To continue the path of Imam Hussain (A.S.) we should do tabligh(to propagate) and make every effort to liberate people from ignorance. One who wants to convey the true message of Islam to others should not be afraid of anything but Allah Almighty and must only be humble before Him. “Those who convey the Message of Allah and fear Him, and fear none save Allah. And Sufficient is Allah as a Reckoner.” (the Holy Quran, 33:39) Imam Khomeini (may Allah send blessings upon his soul) says in a poem: “I wanted to give my life for my beloved (Allah), [but realized that] my life is not mine to give on the path of my beloved.” [The translation of some of Imam Khomeini’s mystical poems can be found in this link:]

Message No. 14 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 14 Ahead to the Arrival: 

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

 Where is the revenger of the Slain of Karbala?               أین طّالب بدم المقتول بکربلاء Imam Mahdi (A.S.) would announce after his reappearance: O, People of the world! I am the “Qaem” (rising) Imam, I am the divine sword which would exact the retribution against all the tyrants and restore the rights of the oppressed.

 O, People of the world! My grandsire, Hussain-bin-Ali (PBUH) was martyred parched and his venerable body was left undressed there unburied … In fact, He heralds the world the vengeance of Imam Hussain’s (PBUH) unjust slaughter by these phrases, and says that the time of the revenge of the noble blood of Imam Hussain (PBUH) has arrived. O, those who want to call to account for Imam Hussain’s (PBUH) blood! Those who seek to take Allah-Hujjah’s blood revenge on His enemies must be prepared (and be subservient to what “Vali Faqih” orders) (the primacy of the top spiritual leader) . (Al-Najm Al-Thaqib, p. 282) If we actually love Imam Hussain (PBUH) and mournful for his catastrophe, we must be avenger for his bloodshed, and be wholeheartedly endorse His blood’s revenger. (Imam Hussain -PBUH- has many grievers, but not many revengers) Only the revengers of Imam Hussain (PBUH) are in company with Imam Mahdi (A.S.). They would know where their Imam is. Of Imam Khomeini poems: To be of His real amorous is to ignore the ego, Hence anyone who consider himself as an existent, would not be one of them. " ان یرزقنی طلب ثارک مع امام منصور من اهل بیت محمد صلی الله علیه و اله"  "و ان یرزقنی طلب ثاری مع امام هدی ظاهر ناطق بالحق منکم"  )در زیارت عاشورا( “I ask Allah to … bless me with your revenge with the triumphant Imam, who is of the descendants of Muhammad (peace be upon Him) … and to provide me to seek my revenge with the righteous, apparent Imam who is speaker of the truth from you”. (A part of Zyarat Ashura) We would ask Allah to bless us with the revenge of Aba-Abdellah Al-Hussain (PBUH) in company with Imam Mahdi (A.S.) Different types of companion with Imam are:

 1.      Local companionship (mundane): It means to meet and visit Imam and to be beside him. (with local companionship lonely  Imam's companionship in the other world would not be achieved ).

 2.      Spiritual companionship: It means that person keeps Imam's passion in heart honestly and as everyone will be gathered with his beloved, this person will be with Imam in his conscience and Imam's name and memory will always be with him therefore Imam would be his companion.

 3.      Hereafter companionship: The best kind of companion that happens after one's being in complete service of Imam's passion In this kind of companionship person's existence is in entire service of Imam's satisfaction. So this person would be with Imam in all aspects and Imam's light would capture all world. All three kinds of companionship are mentioned in Ziarat-Ashoora. How to be ready for having all three types of being in company with Imam and getting ready for his reappearance?

 1.      To be entire obedient of Imams and Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and in present time obeying Villayat Fqih (the primacy of the top spiritual leader)  completely.

 2.      And to be examined in this passion.

Message No. 13 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival


Message Number 13 Ahead to the Arrival:

 In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate 

Our duty in Present Karbala (Is to obey Vilayat-Faqih) Imam Hossein (A.S.), the chieftain and master of Karbala's martyrs has said: The helm of people's matters is in authority of the learned ones who have achieved their knowledge from the oracle source, and they are trustworthy to "Halal" (permissible) and "Haram" (prohibited) issues that Allah has determined. (Mostadrek-al Vasael, vol.17, p. 315) Imam Sadeq (A.S.) has commissioned: People should be prudent and choose one among all jurisprudents who narrate our "Hadiths", and are expert in the commandments of "Ahl-al-Bayt (PBUH) ", and put him at the position of Governor, since I have put him governor upon you. (Kafi, vol.1, p. 67) Imam Mosa-bin-Jafer Alkazem (A.S.) has uttered: Faithful jurisprudents are like Islam's protective fort as city's guard, who protect Islam against enemies. (Kafi, vol.1, p. 38) Imam Mahdi (A.S.) has adduced: As for the issues come up to you, refer to our Narrators of Hadiths, for they are my Hujjah (reason) upon you, and I am hujjah (reason) of the Allah upon them.(Vasael-al-Shia, vol.27, p.140) And Imam Khomeini has said: the colonialist have instilled in us that Islam has no government or governmental organization. Assuming it to have some commandments, but it doesn’t have any executive. In brief, Islam is just a legislature. The theory of “Vilayat Faqih” (the primacy of the top spiritual leader) and authority of the Islamic clergies (Foqaha), is in the continuity of the theory of “Imamah” and the government of the immaculate Imams (PBUH)… Vilayat Faqih is the perpetuation of the movement of the prophets. We believe in “Vilayah”. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) didn’t just express and apprise the laws in his days, but he executed them.

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the executive of the laws… this is why organization of the government and establishment of the executive is necessitated. The belief in the necessitation of organizing and establishing the executive is a part of the belief in “Vilayah”, as the combat and endeavor for it is a part of this belief. (Vilayat Faqih and Jihad Akbar, by Imam Khomeini, p.17) By a careful reflection, we would comprehend that peremptory abidance and obedience of the Orders of Vilayat Faqih is the lone way to oppose criminal conspiracies of the enemies, and if everyone be subservient to the orders of the “Vali” of their time, the disasters like Karbala would not be repeated in the history, and “Valis” like Hossain-bin-Ali (PBUH) would not be hauled to Karbalas, and thus, everything would be prepared for the reappearance of the savior of the world, Baqia-tal-lah al-azam (A.S.), En-sha’-Allah.

Message No. 12 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 12 Ahead to the Arrival:

 In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate

 (At your service O Hossain(Labaik ya Hossain (At your service O Mahdi(Labaik ya Mahdi فاسئل الله .....و ان یثبت لی عندکم قدم صدق فی الدنیا و الاخره I make a request to Allah to… keep me company with you(ya Hossain) …. stand firm beside you and my footsteps follow yours so closely in this world and in Hereafter اللهم.................................و ثبت لی قدم صدق عندک مع الحسین و اصحاب الحسین الذین بذلوا مهجهم دون الحسین علیه السلام(زیارت عاشورا) O my Allah!... let me stand firm in safety before You on account of my sincere attachment with Imam Hossain(A.S.), along with him and his comrades, whom sacrificed all they had (heart, mind, soul) and life) for him, peace be on him.(Ziarat Ashura) عندکم قدم صدق ؟ قدم صدق عندک ؟ Standing firm beside Imam Hossein(following him sincerely) means being at his service, not to leave Hossain of this time alone (Imam Mahdi A.S.) in the current Karbala, honestly and seriously strive to prepare for his Arrival, support and obey him((that is now on obeying Velayat-e faqih) اللهم اجعلنی من انصاره و اعوانه و الذابین عنه و المسارعین الیه فی قضاء حوائجه و الممتثلین لاوامره و المحامین عنه و السابقین الی ارادته و المستشهدین بین یدیه(دعای عهد) Following Imam Hossain(A.S.) sincerely means to be with Imam Mahdi(A.S.) not with our desires and finally get close to Allah by him. When man sacrifices himself completely for Imam Mahdi(A.S.), the drop of his being joins the ocean of Absolute Being. 

So there will be then no veil between him and Allah. In fact it is to meet God and join to the divine status which is the highest degree of perfection and closeness to Allah. O Allah put me among his helpers even as holding their shoes, those (among his companions and his lovers) who are fragrant by Imam Mahdi’s smell. A poem of Imam Khomaini: While your desires are worldly, you can’t understand his lovely smell Whoever is imprisoned by his worldly desires he is not prepared (for Imam Mahdi’s Arrival) تا اسیر رنگ و بویی, بوی دلبر نشنوی هر که این اغلال در جانش بود آماده نیست

Message No. 11 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 11 Ahead to the Arrival :

In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate 

Devotees of Imam Mahdi(A.S.) My God! Let me be amongst his companions and his supporters And his protectors One of those who do His commandments and obey his orders. One of those who donate their life for him Make me fast to fulfil his intention And seek martyrdom in his presence My God, count me in among the Martyrdom -seekers in his presence. Those who constantly prayed for their testimony. They are so aware of their Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) and his love has rooted deep inside of themselves. 

They sacrificed their lives with the top level of knowledge and understanding. And this is the highest degree of martyrdom. Following the Abalfazl-al- Abbas (peace be upon him) like a butterfly rounded around the candle of Imam Hossain (peace be upon him) and dedicate his whole life. They also as real lovers like butterflies orbit around his shiny candle of Imam Mahdi.They burn and dedicate their existence to him. Allah purchases his/her soul because that martyr become a witness of his/her satisfaction so he makes his slaves satisfied this way. وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ یَشْرِی نَفْسَهُ ابْتِغَاءَ مَرْضَاتِ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ رَءُوفٌ بِالْعِبَادِ ﴿البقره-207 ﴾ AL-BAQARA207 And among men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is affectionate to the servants ان اللَّهَ اشْتَرَىٰ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِینَ أَنْفُسَهُمْ وَأَمْوَالَهُمْ ..... فَاسْتَبْشِرُوا بِبَیْعِکُمُ الَّذِی بَایَعْتُمْ بِهِ وَذَٰلِکَ هُوَ الْفَوْزُ الْعَظِیمُ ﴿التوبه-١١١﴾ AL-TAWBA 111 Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and possessions, and for them is paradise. They fight in the way of Allah, slay, and are slain. That is a binding promise upon him in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran;and who is there that more truthfully fulfills his covenant than Allah? Therefore, rejoice in the bargain you have bargained with him. That is the mighty winning.

Message No. 10 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 10 Ahead to the Arrival :

 In the Name of Allah, the Merciful and the Compassion 

Pegs of Imam Mahdi (AS) (Those who compete with each other to fulfill his intention) O Allah appoint me among his helpers ... Those who are his supporters and compete with each other to (fulfill) his intention This perfect man is the hub of the universe he is who all turn around him and are moving around him. اوتاد means pegs وَالجبالَ أوْتادا " )النباء- 7 (We made the mountains as pegs) ( Hold the land and by which the land can not be disintegrated) Otad are very pure and brave men who like strong mountains, remained in service of Imam Mahdi(A.S.). The universe has become glorious because of them so these people became otad (pegs) of this world. Imam Ali (AS) in praise of Otad says: O servants of Allah! The most loving servants of God are servants whom God help him against his desires. Then he makes sorrow as his slogan and the fear of the punishment as his clothes.

 So guiding lights has kindled in his heart ,has provided provision for the Day of Resurrection, he considers death so close even though others consider it so far. He endured hardships, he looked and looked well to everything,he has reminded God, reached a level of certainty that can observe the face of certainty which is like the sun shining, he devoted himself to the best that is God’s commands and to accomplish all his tasks and return any ancillary to its own originals… He is one of the mines of religion and pegs of the land . He forced himself to justice ,the first step is the negation of his desires (Nahj al balaghe-Sermon 87) They are a group who do not forget God even for a moment and do not gather wealth except as what is necessary , do not commit human errors . But they are not innocent... In a part of the "tradition of Ascension" Almighty God says to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) : "O Ahmad! Do you know why I choosed you over the other prophets? »grand prophet of Islam says : I swear to God, no. And the Lord says: "For [type of] creation, good natured, generous and kindness to people. And Otad, pegs of earth are like this and only the people who have these attributes can be among them .

Message No. 9 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 9 Ahead to the Arrival:

 In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate

 The “Abdals” of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) (His supporters) “O Allah, appoint me among … his supporters…“ (a Part of Dua Ahd) We also pray in Dua Nodbeh to be of His scapegoats and guards. (لک الوقاء و الحمی) The Abdals (who support their Imam by scapegoating him) are His privileged, high-ranked, righteous fellowships, and His servants, scapegoat, and supporters. In fact, Allah banishes the disasters away from mankind by these holy entities. 

Whenever they hear the oppressed cry they would run toward them as if the mercy of God The Abdal’s features: There are records in both Shia and SunnI books in which the features of Imam Mahdi’s supporters are cited from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): a) Having hearts like Abraham’s (PBUH): They are like Abraham (PBUH) in their severity, rigor, patience and perseverance in supporting Allah’s religion, and no force can slacken or make them indifference toward defending it. (Al-Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 5, p. 322) b) Scapegoating the people: Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has said: Allah banishes the disasters away from mankind by them. (Al-Tabarani, Vol. 10, p 324) c) Being satisfied with Allah’s will: Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) has also mentioned: They are satisfied with Allah’s commandment and wills and they are patient with Allah’s Taboos; they avoid blemishing their soul to Haram (/hæra:m/) issues, and resent only for Allah. (Ferdous Al-Akhbar, Vol. 2, p. 84) d) Consolation, beneficence and amnesty: Prophet Mohammad has uttered: They forgive and grant amnesty to those who tyrannize them, do beneficence and benevolence to those who have committed wickedness toward them, and abnegate and console with what Allah has granted them. (Heliat-ul Awliya, Vol. 1, p. 8) e) Bounty, generosity and benevolence: Ibn-Masoud has cited from Prophet Mohammad that: Apprehend that “Abdal” (Imam Mahdi’s supporters) have not achieved this eminence by praying, fasting or alms. He was asked: So how have they reached this prominence? By bounty, generosity and benevolence, he responded. (Al-Tabarani, Vol. 1, p. 224)

Message No. 8 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 8  Ahead to the Arrival :

In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate 

The Assistants of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) The abiders of his orders “O Allah, make me be of … the abiders to His orders…“ (a Part of Dua Ahd) Amir-al-momenin Imam Ali (pbuh) has said: you are beholden to me (as your Imam) to: 1) retention your allegiance 2) Sincerity and friendship in the covert and the overt 3) My compliancy as I call you 4) Obedience and conformance to what I order you. (Nahj-al-balaqah sermon 34) What are those orders for us to obey? His orders are those of Allah and His prophet. If we consider our own desires or protest about His orders, we would be deprived of the attainment of abiding Imam’s orders. We would receive the rest of Imam Mahdi’s orders through inspirations, which is a divine mercy; and by obeying His orders, we must abide them as much as we can. Imam Mahdi (A.S.): May Allah inspire you the desired consummation and steerage, and may attain you to benefit His mercies by His ethereality. (it exists in the letters signed by Imam Mahdi to Sheikh Mofid) Of Imam Khomeini poems: I left the schools and monasteries and alcoves to be at His beck and call at His resort To whom would Imam Mahdi (A.S.) assign His orders to accomplish? (Imam’s abiders) - Those who are at His beck and call at His resort - Those who are not involved with the worldly things - They are great and dignified men - They are trusty and righteous to their Imam - They are mighty to accomplish His orders (we must improve our capabilities) - If they gather together from one side, they won’t be scattered from the other side, and thus they have one leader - They have clairvoyant and not naïve - When the enemies wile, they would wile back - Encountering the enemy, they are enraged and wrathful - they accompany each other - they are brave and tactful - they are religiously fervent and zealous - they are not forgetful and they won’t be oblivious - facing rigorous trials and confronting difficulties , they won’t leave their Imam alone. - They would do their best and their only hope is Allah’s relief. (retrieved from Nahj-al-balaghah sermon 34)

Message No. 7 Ahead to the Arrival

Ahead to the Arrival

Message Number 7 Ahead to the Arrival :

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful and the Compassionate 

Those Who Hasten to Carry Out Imam Mahdi (A.S.)’s Instructions “…O Allah appoint me among … those who hasten to carry out his instructions and commands...” (Part of Dua Ahd) In the Holy Quran, Allah has commanded us to hasten towards fulfilling Imam Mahdi (A.S.)’s instructions and commands because this is in fact the root of all good deeds. If we do so, Allah will bring us all together when needed for Imam Mahdi (A.S.)’s Arrival: “…Therefore hasten to (do) good deeds; wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together…” (The Holy Quran, 2: 148) Ahadith from Ahlul Bayt (may peace of Allah be upon them all) mention that this verse refers to the companions of Imam Mahdi(A.S.) who hasten to fulfill his commands in the End of the Times.

 In Dua Ahd, we ask Allah Almighty to appoint us among these people. These are people who have put aside their personal concerns and are only concerned with their beloved Imam’s requests and orders. Their speed is a sign of their eagerness and enthusiasm to comply with their Imam’s instructions. And this eagerness is revealed in their midnight prayers. The love of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) takes sleep away from the eyes of the lovers and makes them burn like a candle. And one midnight, inshaAllah, they will be invited to join the Karavan of Imam Mahdi’s companions where they will gain what they need (knowledge, etc) and get ready for his Arrival.